chapter 2

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Meeting room for the ball planning

Meeting room for the ball planning

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Mira Blankely

Castle of Palette, Jaxon, Vaste

The study room was large and decorated with red couches and golden mats. Mira was the first one to arrive there and let out a sigh of relief when she didn't spot Allan.

Thank God

She had come thirty minutes earlier and after her lovely maids primping her up and forcing on her a golden vastian dress, she had needed some time of her own to just think and recharge. She was grateful for their help but they were talking too much about Allan's return, something Mira wanted to forget about even if it only was for a couple of minutes.

She continued her way to one of the large windows. She loved gazing at the sky and could feel the ray of sunlight on her face. Her eyes then went further down where she could see some of the servants having a water fight as they watered the flowers from the gardens. Just looking at their carefree laughters made Mira smile. Although she indeed found their happiness enlightening, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy.

She had everything every vastian girl could dream of, but one thing she didn't have was freedom. Not freedom in the sense that she couldn't control her life- that she has already accepted as her fate- but the freedom to be left alone. To just live a few moments without having eyes watching her, guarding her, every single step she took.

Thanks to her alpha team, with professional vastian senmasters, she never had that luxury.


" You know, you don't have to partake in this meeting." Mira voiced out with a hint of annoyance. "A senmaster will be present, plus they are people I trust." She then turned around and looked at her surroundings as if she could see through their invincibility.

" Go off and recharge yourselves or something."

Like she had already expected, they didn't pop up from their hiding places nor did they respond to her. They never did, all they had ever done since she was named the crown princess at six was to just watch her from afar.

In her chambers, during her lessons, when she was horseriding, when she took a bath, during her weekly saturday dining with her immediate family members, every ball she was invited to- wherever she was, they were guarding her. Mira knew that it had a lot to do with the fact that the other Kings were looking down on her because of her sex. King John didn't put pass them for wanting to ambush her or use her to compromise him. When you look at it from that perspective, Mira was understanding of it.

but it didn't mean that it sucked any lesser.


Mira heard a knock coming from the door.

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