Chapter 19: A is for Aftermath

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After Ana's incident father had made a call into the the rabid facility. Within the next twenty four hours Ana(who had been given a sedative) had been transported away in a sterile looking black car. Mother had become a ball of nerves crying and carrying on. Father was the same as normal scientific self- intrigued by Ana's strange new (rabid) development. It sickened me how father looked at Ana with such emotional detachment. Only scientific curiosity plagued his mind never his daughter's condition. But perhaps the worst part was seeing Ana with the same glassy eyed appearance as the other children in my ward.
"What will happen to her?" I asked Father as the black vehicle speed back to the facility. I felt my heart twinge with great  anger and sadness. I clenched my fists.
"Oh, dear violet she will be doing a service to her fellow man," said father a big grin on his face.
"I truly hate you! Your own daughter has turned into a rabid and yet you don't care," I screamed. "Well I lost my sister to that godforsaken place and dammit I...... I ought to have finished what Ana started!" I could feel my face turn red as I spewed these hateful words there was not a shred of remorse in my actions.
Father just laughed and laughed. As if I have not just seriously threatened to end his life.
"You won't Violet," said father all humor drained from his face. His eyes hardened and he takes a step close so we're only an inch a part. It's all I can do to not step back because of how repulsed I feel. "because your dear sister is being taken to the lab where she will be experimented on and so forth. However if you want to see her and ensure her safety your going to continue your work with a pretty smile and a shut mouth." It was a threat a very high level threat. Images of Wren and the blind boy flash through my mind. I shutter. If it's to keep my sister safe than I won't refuse. He smiles taking a step back knowing full well he has won. Part of me wonders if this was just part of his big plan over all. To completely control me and ensure I help my fellow man.
Either way I storm back into the house only to find mother curled up on the couch crying. I wish to punch something or do something. I think back to seeing Wren with all the wounds and the boy who couldn't see. I sink into an arm chair my mind wracked with worry and my ears drowned by mother's heavy sobbing. What am I going to do? What will the future hold?
I don't remember falling asleep nor do I remember how I managed to wake up back in the ward. Still my eyes flit to the morning light filtering through the cavernous room and I bolt up on the narrow cot making it protest. Ana. Father said if I worked here I could keep her safe. I chance a glance down one of the many rows of beds. She has to be here.
I stand up and move across the floor beginning by the beds closest to the windows and go down the row inspecting the glossy eyed rabids one by one. My heart gives a little seeing them hooked up to a machines pumping god knows what into their system but I continue. Ana comes first. Then I hear a cough. A very familiar cough and immediately I think of the blind boy and follow the noise.
Sure enough he hasn't changed sense I left him. His eyes are still bound in gauze only this time the bed next to him has company. Ana is laying on the bed next to his. Her eyes are closed and she has what seems to be a crude pair of head phones on.
"Hang on I'll get you," I said to the boy. I bustled about the large room getting a warm cloth and a basin of water. Once back, at his bed I put the cloth on his chest. He smiles.
"I was wondering when you'd get back," he said his voice still raspy. I tried to soothe him. "They brought someone in next to me," he continues. I nod but then hum in response. He can't see me.
"Yes she's my sister," I reply almost in a whisper. Maybe if I say it quiet enough it will prove to be false. I know it's stupid but I glance at the other bed and sure enough there she is.
"Hmmm. And what is her name?" He asked a little quieter.
He sighs and sinks further into the bed. As if he is content with this new information. However never missing a beat I decide to ask him a few questions.
"Do you have a sibling?" He grunts in response to my question and I see him visibly tense.
"Yeah an older brother. Haven't seen him....well you know....." his voice trails off as he weakly points to the gauze covering his eyes. My heart melts and I know my opinion about rabids has changed. Whether it be my sister becoming one or this boy I am talking to I can't be sure.
"Is he normal?"
"No. He turned right around the time I did," he said settling back into the bed.
"Hmm. Do you have a name?" I asked deciding to change the subject. He shook his head and a chill runs up my spine. "Do I really need one?"
"Yes. But since you don't have one you could choose your own," I said trying hard to keep my voice even but the tears have already broke from eyes. I watch as the world becomes blurred.
"Hmmm. I don't know. Maybe later I am kind of tired now," he finished and with that his breathing relaxed and I could tell he fell asleep.
I sigh and make my way back to my cot. At least Ana is next to that nice boy. Though I guess there's no point if she can't actually interact with him.  I heave another great sigh and lay back down on my cot. The ceiling is a grey color and I stare at it brushing away my tears and trying to compose myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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