Chapter 9: P is for Proper meeting

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Father led us down another hallway. It makes no difference there all the same. Dimly lit with florescent lights over head. It still causes shadows to dance along the walls. We are silent as we make another turn and than another. We finally reach a narrower hallway that is lined with the most narrowest looking doors I've ever seen. There so narrow that I think I'd have to go in sideways just to fit through. Father picked up his pace with a grunt and I hurry to keep up. Fear made quite a good motivator.

"We're here," father said pressing yet another set of numbers into the side of the door way. It slides upwards with a scratchy screech. He turned sides ways and managed to fit. Ana does the same as do I..

 The room was much bigger than I had originally thought. It had enough room for a full sized bed, a spacious desk piled high with notes and a full sized bathroom which was through another door. Father had a lot more room in here than he and mother's room back home. Father sat mother on the bed and pulled a thin looking blanket on top of her. he stroked her face passionately. It was the first I had seen since we started our brisk walk.

Where we? Ana asked.  Though with such dim lighting I can barely make out her hands.

"Is there a light switch anywhere?" I asked father. he looked up from mother.

"No. The building is too old and so I'm afraid we're going to have to use candles. Sorry Ana," siad father as he moved to a cupboard by the desk. His boots scudded against the scratchy looking carpet. There was another scratching noise and light descended upon the room. It's source was on measly looking candle. I gave father a quizzical look. How could so much light emanate from a single candle? "There military grade candles. i played a major part in inventing them. I get a small stash every once and a while."

Where we? Ana asked again.

We in my dormitory. Perfectly safe. Now  I have to get going. You, Violet stay here. Do not leave this room. Questions. Father looked from me to Ana. He had grabbed some extra folding chairs from another compartment within the walls. I think it was a closet. We sat on the chairs. I rocked back and forth on my chair.

When we leave? I asked. I wanted to go home. Even in this dormitory I felt incredibly vulnerable. Why did I feel it now more than ever? Two ghostly green eyes flashed across my mind. I shivered rubbing my arms. Maybe more warmth was what I needed. It had been on really long and strenuous day.

Father sighed scooping me and Ana into his arms. He was so warm and familiar that I felt at ease. Even in this run down dormitory that I was sure had been standing since before Rocky City was founded Father made me feel safe.

"There are some extra bedding through the bathroom under the sink. Spread them out on the floor. I should be back soon. Take care of everyone Violet," father said giving a stiff nod to Ana and me. He had gone back to being a professional. Gone back to being the mysterious parent that I knew him to be.

The door slid back down sealing us in the room. The sparse light we had was from Father's candle sitting on the desk. I stared at it in amazement. Father was considered a genius and when we lived in the inner most ring of Rocky city my teacher would often praise his name. He was considered not only to be a genius but had also been apart of an elite retired military group. His early work with the Blood Fever had led to many advancements. He was also responsible for creating new military and civilian research projects. He had a very prestigious career. Than my accident happened and suddenly he's out of the public's eye and ordered to a lower paying job away from the inner most ring. Away from all his accomplishments. Sometimes I wondered if that's why he's always working late. Because he resented me. Resented the fact that I might have had something to do with his abrupt dismissal from public and the elite world of science and military. I never asked him. I plan on keep it that way.

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