Chapter 11: J is for a job offer to save fellow man

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"Violet how are you?" asked the old woman known as Dr.Gofer with a fake smile. She sat on a leather couch her legs crossed while she sipped tea. She would have looked quaint if it weren't for her shrewd calculating hawk like stares.

"Just fine," I said my arms stilled crossed all traces of paitents had left my body on her fifth cup of tea. She was now on her thirteenth. Her dark eyes took me in.

"You sure you don't want a cup of tea you have been through quite an ordeal," she said with another sip from her cup. A rail thin pinky stuck straight in the air.

"An ordeal," I said with a slight sneer this was the thriteenth round of word games, " that is such a quaint way of putting it." I made sure to articulate quaint.

She was the highest scientist and warden of this underground compound and father's greatest friend. He would stop talking about just how great this hawk like woman was. Just how esteemed and wonderful her research was. He sounded like a love sick hound and the way his eyes flashed with such passion made me very very weary of him. I didn't know what to think of him any more. Ever since he shoved me down that dark hole he's been another person.

"There is nothing quaint about your father's methods. I most certainly did not agree to his little experiment but he took matters into his own hands," Dr.Gofer said clucking like him and his methods deserved a slap on the hand. I cringed inwardly at her dispassionate words. So bland and proper. Devoid of emotion yet so confidant sounding like she could talk a hill into becoming a valley.

"You'd think the guards or someone above him would stop him from doing something dangerous," I said though when I said those words out loud I wished I could take them back. The she gave me was proof enough that I should know better. That I should understand my father better. Her hawk eyes shot me a pitying look.

"Oh. You have much to learn dear Violet. I am the higher up. I run this facility and monitor what goes on. Who do you think had the rabids released?" she said quirking an old eye brow.

My blood goes cold. It can't be. It can't be. Yet somehow in the back of my mind it all makes sense. It all makes a sickening sense. Why there are so many rabid reports. Why the news doesn't cover it. Why this didn't happen in the inner ring very often. like the pieces of a horrible puzzle everything snapped together. I felt a burning hatred for her and a new found anger and sea of rage for father. Images of the boy Rabid flash in my mind again and again.

"How dare you! They hurt innocent people and you let them loose!" I screamed I felt like breaking something all the anger and rage just kept building like boiling water with a lid covering its escape.

I needed a way to release all this anger. Before I can think I move to a book case and started to rip all the damn books off the shelves. When I'm done I moved to the table stacked neatly with paper. A swipe of my hand and there in chaos like I' am. I find more and more things to destroy. I'm a hurricane with power ready to be released. over and over I find more books and upturn a table. All the anger from my father and the confusion from the rabid boy explodes as I mess up her entire office just to satisfy my anger. I need to destroy. Too long without an outlet. All of mother's anger at Ana and me flashes in my mind. Every time she yelled at her for being different or me for being quiet it all comes out.

"Are you done messing up my office?" She asked still sitting in her chair sipped her tea like I hadn't turned her office upside down. Her voice like stale air. It still made me angry but it was more muted than instant rage.

"I hate this," I said breathlessly. My lungs were ragged with the need for more air.

"I'm sorry your father did what he did but there's nothing you can do to change the past. Simply you must live in the present Violet. So take a few deep breathes and sit back down now that you have sated your anger," she said gesturing towards the seat in front of her. I hadn't wrecked the chair. I mentally kicked myself for not doing so.

I sat back down in the chair still some what angry but it was growing colder by the second. I was ready to try and listen. I took another shaky breath. She offered me a cup of water and I drank it without thinking. huge gulps of water caused me to cough and have a fit.

"Now I want to offer you a job. I want you to work with rabids. In exchange for your services I will see to it that you are paid and that you have adaquate time off to see your sister. I know you too are close," she said the last part with a cruel smile like she was making me an offer I had no choice in. The underlying tone- you will take what I give you and be thankful. Such a high and mighty women.

"What exactly will I be doing?" I asked. my curiosity alive and well despite my anger and exhaustion.

"nursing rabids or in other words taking care of them. I have reason to believe from the tests that you will be quite good at this. You are truly gifted in this area," she said sipping her tea. I was sure she was just doing that for show. "Do we have a deal?" It wasn't a question.

"What if I say no?"

"You will be subjected to stay here until you submit to this request. In other words you will be a prisoner and won't see your sister again," she said a cruel smile cemented to her face. She looked more like a hawk now than ever.

"Fine." I gritted out. I hated her and father. But I was tired and I didn't want to destroy anymore. I wanted to sleep again and never wake up. I had just agreed to help and underground facility with rabids nothing good would ever come from that. Nothing.

"Thank you Violet you will be doing a service to your fellow man," She said.

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