Chapter 1: W is for Whirlwind

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I don't remember much about the day that changed my life. Everything was a heedy hazy frantic whirlwind that flung me round and round. Only when I blinked there was nothing but me and the wreckage that became my reality.

From what I can remember of those chaotic moments is this- I was playing hopscotch with a boy who had dark green eyes and there was no one around. I was having fun. But than there was an explosion or something like that. And that's the end. the whirlwind of chaos left me.

But than I'm left among my new reality vulnerable and naked to the changes. The wreckage came, that part is permanently etched within my brain. Isn't it funny how it's always not the whirlwind but the wreckage that we remember the most? the next thing that happens is I'm awake in the hospital with thousands of gauze wrapped tendrils around my body. Encasing me trapping me like a lethal cocoon. My mother wailing and my little sister whimpering. The doctors came in bustling about checking my stats tapping my IVs. They also spoke babble really well because the  way my mother was fast babbling and carry in on it was a wonder they could decipher it. But my answers came in the form of responses.

I wasn't going to die. I wasn't infected by a rabid. So my brain pondered about the rabid attack. Had I been attacked by a rabid? Surely not the boy. my mind trailed on trying and trying to ponder how a boy could possibly responsible for my cocoon prison. But that last part of chaos surely had done this to me. Surely it was the cause for my broken body and not the boy. He couldn't have been maybe a year older than me.

My life was forever changed after a rabid attack. A rabid attack which is but a fragment in the frantic line of events that created my whirlwind and left me broken. Indeed it did. I had weird seizures and amnesia ever since that day. But that was only half of the wreckage left for me like an unwanted sweater or a pair of socks.

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