Chapter 3: Getting Along

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After a while of walking down the path through the forest, Buzzy continued to feel more and more worried, believing they are going to be lost.

Stephanie kept glancing at the sky a few times after some hours had passed, checking the sun if it is over the horizon or still in the spot, it is at.

Buzzy noticed she was checking the time as they walked through the forest, checking if it is nighttime or still daytime.

Then, they came across a bridge across a large vast of a roaring river, and Buzzy shivered in fear.

He does not want to get pushed off or accidentally fall off either.

Stephanie walked over to the bridge, as Buzzy slowly followed after her.

"Uh, Stephanie?" Buzzy spoke, as Stephanie stopped at where she is and glanced over at him from her shoulder. "Maybe we could go around the river?"

Stephanie thought to herself for a moment, before responding, "We can't get around the river because it'll take more day than usual. We need to go across it."

Buzzy looked uneasy when she objected the suggestion from him.

"It does not look stable!" he protested. "One of the wooden beams might crack underneath your weight!"

A soft sigh came from Stephanie, as she glanced back at the bridge and then Buzzy.

"Is it because of you're afraid of heights?" she asked, mentioning to the bridge.

"No, I'm just a little uncomfortable about being on a rickety old bridge over a roaring river!" Buzzy confessed, watching as the water roared and went over the waterfall.

"Come on, Buzzy, I'm right beside you," Stephanie assured, as she has her right hand on the rope, waiting for Buzzy to follow her. "For emotional support. We'll just tackle this thing together one baby step at a time."

She gently pushed Buzzy forward as he stepped onto the bridge, looking uneasy, but trusting towards Stephanie, as she moved behind him, her left hand on the other side of the bridge's rope rail.

"Really?" Buzzy asked, glancing over his shoulder to her.

"Really, really." Stephanie smiled.

"Okay, that makes me feel much better." Buzzy sighed, although looked unsure about crossing a wooden and rickety bridge.

"Just keep moving," Stephanie spoke from behind his back, slowly following after him as he slowly walked, before warning, "And don't look down."

"Okay, don't look down, don't look down," Buzzy repeated to himself as Stephanie patiently and slowly walked behind his back. "Keep on moving and don't look down."

Disney's Cranium Command: A Buzzy AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now