Chapter 2: Trust And Confidence

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The next day, Buzzy slowly woke up from his slumber.

He was a bit groggily as he woke up, feeling like he was sleeping for more years.

But, he was inside someone else's bedroom.

He remembered what happened earlier in the night and sighed gently to himself.

Buzzy expected Stephanie was not right next to him, but he noticed his right arm was extending out from the bed.

Maybe he was moving around on the bed in his sleep?

But how come he is holding onto something warm?

Confused, he glanced over at what he was holding onto, although his glasses were off, he could see a blurred figure dressed in blue sitting on a chair.

The figure has their left arm out, as it was holding his wrist, as quiet snores were coming from the person.

Puzzled, he flipped over to his front, as his right arm reached over to the bedside table, blindly reaching for his glasses.

He missed a couple of times as he placed his hand on the table until his fingertips felt the edge of his glasses, so, he gently took them and carefully pulled it back to his body.

He flipped back over to his side he was sleeping on after getting his glasses and placed them on his nose which is perfectly balancing on his nose.

After he put his glasses back on, he was shocked to see that Stephanie was sleeping on an uncomfortable chair, her head back against it and snoring quietly.

He glanced down at his hand and noticed she had his hand, and throughout the whole night, she let him hold her hand, without moving back to get away from him.

Did she know he was afraid of being alone again, since what happened 15 years ago?

He felt confused, and startled, about her strange behavior, as he continued lying there on the bed, watching her as she slept.

Buzzy laid his head back down on the pillow, thinking to himself about the strange action she did, expecting her to be not in the room and place him down on an uncomfortable chair in a cold spot of the room, making him miserable again.

But, he got the opposite instead.

He got her comfortable bed as she took the uncomfortable chair to sleep in, and her blankets as she still was wearing her clothes to be warm.

Buzzy felt concerned about her, but he still does not trust her with her trust.

However, she did rescue him from being stuck in his prison forever.

After a few minutes or more has passed, as Buzzy stayed at where he was, still thinking to himself about why was acting like this to him, she finally woke up from her slumber, looking groggy, blinking a few times slowly.

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