Chapter 18

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Morning - 9:00Am - The Glowing Sea - Rocky Cave

We've been on the walk for quite a few hours now and finally we reached the Rocky Cave where Virgil had been held up. Getting here the first time wasn't hard, this time however took it to a whole new level. Enemies were everywhere, mainly ferals and those damn bugs. We even ran into quite a few Radscorpions and Deathclaws. All which were not to keen on having us in their home.

Most of the time we ran as fast as our legs could carry us, others we tried to fight, launching bullet after bullet into our enemies. But when you're running low on ammo, all you can really do is run or die. 

Virgil was surprised when we presented him with the Courser Chip. Surprised that we got it decoded, made it back alive, and only suffered minor injuries throughout the whole ordeal. I was just as surprised as him, if I'm being honest. 

"You're back! How'd it go?" Virgil spoke up. 

Me and Nick exchanged in glances before I responded. "It went well. We had help from the Railroad to decode the chip." 

"Oh, those nutcases." Virgil rolled his eyes. Guess he didn't like the Railroad as much as the next person, but hey, everyone has their beliefs. "While you were gone I have been drawing up some schematics for you. You're ticket into the Institute." 

Virgil turned towards his workbench before picking up a paper. He handed it over to me and I looked it over. It was poorly drawn in various colored crayons. "What...What is this?" I looked back up at the Super Mutant Scientist.

"Those are plans to build a machine that will get you into the Institute. It's called a signal interceptor. That courser chip of yours is the main part to actually getting you there."

I sighed a bit and looked the plans over before looking to Nick. "Thank you Virgil." 

"I helped you, now it's your turn to help me." 

I raised a brow. "What do you want?" 

"Before I escaped the Institute, I was working on a serum. A serum that could cure me, turn me back into...who I was, what I was. It was in my lab, Bioscience division. If you do this for me I'll make it worth your while." 

I gave a nod. He did have a point. After all, he did just help me get one step further into getting into the Institute. "Alright, Virigl. You and I have a deal." 

"Excellant. Now, you'll need to get those plans to a engineer, someone who can work with complex machines. I will see you soon. Good luck."

I gave a nod before patting Nick's shoulder and heading out through the way we came.
~Few Days later~
~Night - 12Am - Boston Airport

I stopped Nick at the doorway to the Prydwen. He probably could have already guessed what's going on between me and Maxson, but I didn't need him to get comformation about it. So I looked at him dead in the eyes and with a sigh, I spoke. 

"Nick, maybe you should wait out here." 

Nick just looked at me. I knew that he didn't want me going in there alone, nor did he want to be left out on deck with the Brotherhood members that were still about, specifically the guards.

"Alyssa, I rather-"

"Nick. This isn't an option. I don't want issues within the Prydwen to arise. Stay here. I won't be long." 

He just crossed his arms before giving a nod. I nodded back before pulling open the door and stepping inside. 


I yawned, sitting on a side couch in the observatory room before rubbing my eyes. Hearing foot prints approaching my direction, I looked up towards the doorway. Alyssa. 

She looked terrible. Her hair was all tangled, clothes full of blood and dirt, eyes stuck with bags underneath them, and severarl bruises and cuts were visible on her arms, face, and hands. 

"Alyssa!" I spoke quickly, standing up and instantly forgetting about my overwhelming tiredness. 

She offered me a smile before making her way towards me and embracing me in a hug. "I have news." 

I patted her back gently before pulling back and looking at her. She looked back before speaking quickly. "I have plans for a device called a signal interceptor. It'll help us get into the Institute. Virgil drew them up while we were out getting the chip."

She stepped away from me before reaching into her bag and grabbing a rolled up tube of paper, holding it out towards me. I took it from her with a smile before opening it and looking it over.

My reaction...well it wasn't pleasent. "This? These are the elaberent plans?" I looked back up at her. "Surely this is a joke."

"No. Maxson, these are the plans that he gave me."

"But they're drawn this crayon?"

Maxson, he's a Super Mutant. How do you expect him to write or draw normally with normal pens and pencils if his hands are the size of bombs?"

A sigh escaped my lips and with a nod I spoke up once more. "Yeah. You're right. I want you to bring these to Procter Ingram. Maybe she can decipher what this stuff says. Get back to me when you're finished. I..want to have a talk. I'll be in my bedroom."

Alyssa nodded before leaning up and kissing my cheek gently. "Nick is outside. Can you do me a favor and go check on him?"

The synth? She left the synth outside with the guards?! What if he kills them? Worse, they kill him! "Yeah sure. I'll bring him in here."

"Thank you, Elder."

I gave a smile then watched Alyssa head up the ladder before heading outside to retrieve the synth.

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