Chapter 5

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Going to Med-Tek was a lot harder then the pair had made it out to be. Of course they knew that they weren't going to get there without running into at least a few issues, but for them to run into as many issues as they did? It was high unexpected to the both of them. 

They've had to sneak past Raiders, a group of Gunners, and even a stray pack of Feral's that were wandering the wastes. Granted the things that they had to deal with on the way was nothing compared to the amount of shit they had to defend themselves from once they had actually made it to the long abandoned hospital. 

The Feral Ghouls. 

That should be the only thing that needs to be said about Med-Tek. It was completely overrun by the highly radiated human souls that had once gone about their business without a care in the world. Hell, it took the pair more then two full cases of ammo for them to simply clear the courtyard and parking garage.  

The inside was a completely different story. It was quiet. Way more quiet then they wanted, but that of course only meant that there was hell waiting for them once they made themselves known. 

"Keep your eyes open and stay on the look out. This place is crawling with ghouls." MaCready whispered, taking a look over at Alyssa, who was just finishing putting in a fresh clip in her rifle. 

"Really? I hadn't noticed." She spoke, a sarcastic tone in her voice. 

"No need to be an ass about it." 

MaCready slowly shut the entry doors before coming to his friends side as she took a deep breath, seemingly preparing herself to go deeper into the hospital. He could see the instant regret on her face once she inhaled. "Don't...take a deep breath." Alyssa spoke, covering her mouth a bit as she tried to keep herself from throwing up. 

"I could've told you that." The merc quietly chuckled. 

The long abandoned company smelt nothing of death and rotting flesh. Skeletons littered the floors at the waiting area as well as around the worker desks. But from just taking a look around, the pair could see how many of the people had turned into Feral's. 

"Quiet. We don't know which ones are actually dead or...still alive." Alyssa spoke, glaring to her friend for a moment, heading towards the waiting area. 

"I'm just going to assume that all of them are playing dead." MaCready responded, looking around for a moment before heading to a old Nuka Cola machine. 

Alyssa watched him for a moment before shaking her head and heading towards the receptionist desk, checking through the drawers and looking for anything useful. The terminal, while it was operational, was no doubt useless due to the lockdown that had been put on the research facility. 

"I hope you know where exactly that terminal is cause I don't think we're going to be finding any map in here that's still good enough." She spoke up. 

"Uh, I was told that it should be in one of the offices upstairs." He responded crossing his arms over his chest for a moment before slightly crouching down and pulling open the Nuka machine door. "I have the password for it in my pack." 

She watched her friend for a moment before shaking her head and beginning to look around. "MaCready, if I fall through any part of that floor...I'm going to sue you for every cap you have left." She stated softly. "C'mon so we can get out of here. The smell of rotten corpse's is already burning itself into my nostrils." 

The merc gave a smile as he grabbed the last full bottle of soda from the machine and turning towards his friend. "Well, I found a bottle of Nuka-"

He winced, empty Nuka bottles falling to the floor, one shattering in pieces at his feet. The both of them exchanged glances before the all too familiar sounds of waking Feral's filled the empty silence. 

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