Chapter 15

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One more tomorrow
To hold you in my embrace
And thrill with rapture
Each time I look at your face

That song. It was so familiar to her. It was the song that her and Nate had chosen for their wedding, but it was also the song that played when her and Elder Maxson first exchanged any physical contact with each other.

One more tomorrow
To see heaven in your eyes
To have your hand cling to mine
And wander through paradise

Why wouldn't the music stop? Actually, why couldn't she see anything? Did she die while returning from the Glowing Sea? She got attacked by a Deathclaw, that much she knew. The pain was there, so why wasn't her vision?

One more tomorrow
To kiss your lips constantly
And feel the pounding
As your heart beats next to me

'Kiss your lips constantly' Just hearing that line of lyric made her brain instantly think of Arthur. She felt guilty though.... Why wasn't she thinking about Nate? This was their song. They shared their first dance as a married couple to said song. Her and Arthur had shared nothing to this song... Nothing but an embrace as it played in the background.

One more tomorrow
Filled with love the whole day through
And then tomorrow I'd beg
For one more tomorrow with you

The song left silence to fill her thoughts for a moment before voices took it's place. "It's no doubt going to leave some scarring, sir, but her sight will be completely fine."

Cade. So she was on the Prydwen.

"What about her arm?"

Elder Maxson. It made her heart skip a beat for him to be showing such a concern about her. Especially when it wasn't just the two of them.

"Her arm... is a different story. It's going to take a long while before it's fully healed, but she'll still have full function. The scarring is going to be... bad. Worse then her face. She got really lucky." Cade explained. "I also took a look at her shoulder as per your request. It has been freshly cleaned and dressed. It's healing quite nicely and whoever did the original stitching worked quite well."

A sigh came from Maxson. "How long until she wakes? It's been 2 days already." "That... I can't tell you. She lost a lot of blood and while I've done all I could to replace it, I can't force her to wake up until she's ready."
She felt her hand twitch, facial muscles struggling to open her eyelids. It can't be this hard, right? She needed to see him, needed him to know that she was really doing alright.

Arthur took a seat in a nearby chair, crossing his arms over his chest with a sigh. Was he making it too obvious that he clearly had some feelings for the woman lying on the hospital bed?

"Elder Maxson, with all due respect... you shouldn't worry yourself with her wellbeing. I will keep you posted one everything that you need to know." Cade spoke up, causing him to look up.

He couldn't just leave her here, right? Would he be an ass if he wasn't by her side when she eventually did wake up? Then again, to avoid suspiscion... he shouldn't worry too much about his lover. Not until they were once again behind closed doors.


"I understand, Cade." He spoke, standing from his seat. "I'm going to speak to Paladin Danse. I still need to gather his report on what had happened."


Danse huffed, watching Ingram work on his Power Armor. He was hating himself. How could he have been so foolish to let his friend get injured for his safety? "You know, Danse, it's been awhile since you have come to see me for repairs." Ingram spoke up, chuckling to herself. "Are you going to tell me what happened?"

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