Chapter 7 Married to My Stalker! Oh Crap...

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Chapter 7 The Supper


When the boys came for dinner we already set the table and were prepared. Right before they came in, Cash told me after they leave he has to tell me something. I am very curious to what it is. The dinner was, well, eventful. But not bad at all.

"Pass me the salt, Brandson,"said Jamie. The two gay ones haha. Brandson didn't answer nor pass the salt. "Brandson? Did you here me?"

He kept quiet and Cash had a bad look on his face, like he was scared maybe...

"Brandson?" Cash said to Brandson and Brandson looked up.

"Cash can we talk?" Brandson asked Cash and then Cash and them went by the staircase, right by the door but we couldn't here them talking. Two minutes later they came back and Brandson looked a little worried but relieved and Cash looked amused and worried too.

"What's wrong Brandson? Babe it's fine but what is wrong?" Babe?! Ok so Jamie and Brandson are like going out?! OMG.....

"That's what he needs to talk about.." Cash said trying not to laugh but he did anyway. I swear I've never seen him laugh that hard.

"Brandson? What are you trying to say?" Brandson paused and then Cash blurted it out instead.

"Brandson isn't gay anymore, he is breaking up with you," then Cash laughed even more and didn't stop. Until I punched him under the table, in the 'you know where'. That got him to shutup.

"Uhh, I have to go now.." So Jamie left his empty plate and everything and dashed outside. Brandson started to go after him but Cash told him to "Give him some time" look. So he sat back down.

"No one ever told me about that!" They looked up at me and smiled a little. I just ignored them and looked away from their gaze then went to clean the dirty dishes.

"Goodnight guys!" Cash yelled to them while they trotted to their cars. Cash motioned to the living room and sat while patting the seat next to him inviting me to sit there. "So, I have to tell you something but you won't like it." I rolled my eyes, thanks for telling me that!

"Why did you tell me that?" I asked and he shook it off a little and continued.

"Well, I don't really know how to put it 'cause it is bad and you just got used to everything and you'll probably hate me again!" I breathed heavily scared of what to say.

"What do y-you mean?" I said stuttering a bit but you know that...

"Well, we-we're moving, to California.. Next week and you'll start school there.." He said and I thought about all I would be leaving behind and went upstairs. "Where you goin'?" He asked.

"To pack for California dumbo." my voice didn't have amusement or sarcasm nope it was sadness and angriness. I was so POed!!!

"Yeah get on that!" He yelled as if he were mad too. Well, I did call him a dumbo... :(

ANyway what do you think of Brandson not being gay anymore?

What about leaving to Cali?

Hmmmm tell me soon!!! :)

Sorry it is short too! D:

Married to my stalker! Oh crap...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora