Nick, You Asshole

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I lead the way as we slowly emerged into the trees. We were on our way to find Nick. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to him.. and then to Pete.

I sighed and shook my head. Luke walked up beside me and I just glanced at him.

"Hey, I'm sorry that we have to put you through this. I was just wondering if you're with us." he smiled.

I smiled back at him. "Yeah, I'm with you guys."

Luke nodded. "And we are glad to have you."

I sighed again. Not everyone.

Those thoughts began to change as Rebecca walked on the other side of me and smiled.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted back there." she said. I believed her.

"Its alright. I can handle it. I'm not a little kid," I looked away as I thought of the way Lee lectured me about showing up in Crawford when he requested me not to. I remember Molly.

"I hope so. I remember when I was your age, my dad always was giving me shit. And I always thought he didnt know a damn thing." that made me chuckle.

"I've just been overwhelmed over this baby.. Alvin and I still don't know what to call him if that man gets his wish."

I looked over and my eyes widened. This is the place.

"Have any ideas? Clem?" Rebecca continues on as I begin walking towards the shed. A few walkers are there but they don't seem to be a problem.

"Here," I point.

Luke slashed his machete into the rotten walkers as we made our way towards the shed doors. I hesitantly opened the door. I walked in.

"Oh god.." I gasped as I saw Nick laying in the middle of the floor. Luke ran over to him, but Nick surprisingly lifted his head.

"Hey, man. Got any aspirin?" he groaned. Luke just chuckled and said "Nick, you asshole."

Luke helped Nick stand on his feet. He must be hungover.

Nick grabbed Luke and hugged him tightly, tears forming in his eyes. "Pete's dead," he muttered.

"I know, man, I know. Listen, Carver found us. We need to get going." Luke replied softly, patting Nicks back.

They stood back from each other and Nick shook is head in despair.

I turned around and sighed. Sarah was holding Carlos's hand and Rebecca was standing beside Alvin. The group just didn't seem complete anymore.

And it's my fault.

(I'm sorry for the short chapter but I'm gonna be working on a new one right after this one. Ily guys. -Heaven)

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