By The River

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*Clems POV*

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, but I ignore them. I open my eyes and look down, only to see Lukes arm tightly wrapped around me. I close my eyes and snuggle in his embrace.

I hear him grunt slightly and tighten his grip.

I open my eyes to see Pete walk through the door. My eyes widen and he smirks. Luke shot up next to me and his face was tomato red.

"P-Pete! What're you doin' up so early?" Luke says, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"I'm taking Clementine with me and Nick to check the fish traps, but I see you two were already busy yourselves." Pete laughs and crosses his arms.

I sit up and scratch the back of my head, blushing lightly.

"I'll be right out, just let me get ready" I say to him and he walks out. I look at Luke.

"Great. Now we won't hear the end of it." He looks away but I smirk and kiss his cheek. "Oh well," I whisper in his ear. He turns his head and presses his lips to mine.

"I'll be back later," I say. I get out of bed and Luke falls backwards, covering his face with his hands

I hesitantly walk downstairs to see Carlos, Pete, Alvin and Nick in the kitchen. Pete grins at me but nobody else says anything.

Nick raises an eyebrow at Pete and then grabs his rifle off the table.

The three of us walk out the front door, Pete by my side and Nick ahead of us.

This was going to be fun.


I walk beside Pete, wondering when Nick will show up. He's been gone for five minutes.

Pete was just telling me a story about Nick going hunting for the first time. It was actually pretty sad, yet funny.

I look behind us to see Nick running.

"Why didn't you guys wait?" he asks, panting.

"Do you really think we were gonna stand around to while you piss on a tree? You know where the river is, boy."

Pete went on with his story, and Nick interrupted us. "What are you goin' on and telling her this shit for?" Nick rants.

"It seems relevant since you nearly blew her head off yesterday," Pete puts his hands on his hips and glares at Nick.

"I apologized!" Nick looked down at me, then back up at Pete.

"It's all right. He did apologize." I smiled at Nick, but the two yelling men ignored me.

"Why do you have to give me such a hard time?" Nick pleaded.

"Because you give everyone else a hard time!" That response made me look down at my feet. How did I get into this mess?

For some odd reason I remembered what Molly said about having a steady group. I wonder if she's still in Crawford.

When I looked up I saw Nick stomp away from us.

"I wish he didn't hate me," Pete asks, tears almost forming in his eyes.

We continued walking.

"He doesn't hate you," I reassured. Pete half smiled.

"Nicks dad wasn't there a lot when he was younger, and when he was it wasn't much. That meant I had to lead him on the right path. I couldn't always be Nice Uncle Pete." Pete looked away at the trees with a sigh.

"Uncle Pete!" we heard Nick yell from the river. We ran as fast as we could towards him.

What I saw made my stomach churn.

Dead bodies. Sprawled. Everywhere.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph.." Pete mumbled.

My eyes widened as I looked around.

"Who would have done this?" I asked, fear filling my throat.

Nick looked down at me. "Think about it. You're Carver, what do you do?"

I looked back up at him and raised my eyebrow.

"Who's Carver?"

I Pete and Nick looked at each other and ignored my question.

"Check em. We have to see if any are alive so they could tell us who did this." Pete said.

Nick of course didn't like that idea. "What? We have to get out of here before they find us!"

I walked over to some bodies. Those poor men.

I looked up at the other side and pointed. "There are some over there, too!" I walked through the mucky water. One of the bodies seemed to still be alive. I walked over to him.

My heart stopped. My backpack was rested right beside him.

"What.. What happened to you?" I asked. The man gasped for air.

I recognized him as the guy from the woods.

"You.. you were in the woods with Christa. The women I was with. What happened to her?" Tears came to my eyes. I probably looked hysterical but I didn't care.

"Please.. tell me!" I demanded.

He coughed and pointed towards my backpack. "Please.." he managed to breathe out.

I poured some water into his mouth and he gasped out the words thank you.

I heard a scream, and then a gunshot.

It was Pete. I looked over to his side of the river and saw something on his leg. It was a bite.

"No!" I screamed out.

"Pete!" Nick screamed out.

"Nick!" he screamed back as more walkers appeared. They appeared on both sides.

"Come over here!" Nick said.

"Dammit, you get your asses over here, both of you!" Demanded Pete.

There I was. Standing in the middle of the water. Having to pick a side.

Adrenaline rushed through my body as I rushed towards Nick. He was closer and looked as if he needed help.

I knew it was a mistake once I heard Pete scream he was out of ammo. Then he screamed again. Nick looked at me, then at his uncle in terror. He was being devoured.

Before he could say anything, Nick bolted out into the trees. I sprinted behind him, wondering how I got myself into this fucking riot.

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