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trinity west
(i'll tell you when to play the song)


i walk into school with a smile on my face. today was going to be a good day i could feel it. i see sierra talking to elijah by her locker. i walk up to them, my eyebrows furrowing as i approach them.

"do you know why everyone is whispering and staring at me?" i look around, noticing a lot of people were staring at me. "i don't." elijah says. "i haven't seen you in a while." he changes the subject, grabbing my attention.

"i've been really busy." i lie and look around for ethan. no sign of him anywhere. though my eyes fall on grayson, his eyes piercing through me. i awkwardly look away. "busy? that's funny." sierra added and i shoot a glare at her.

i hear a gasp come from sierra before i'm yanked away from her and elijah. i don't have time to see who the person is before i'm thrown into a dark closet. the light switches on and i turn around, holding my arm where i had been so violently grabbed.

"you're that sexually frustrated?" i joke around and then the smile on my face falls when i notice ethan isn't laughing or smiling. he keeps the serious look on his face as he pushes me up against the wall. "i thought you were mad." i say as i start to unzip my pants. he stops me, finally saying something.

"why the fuck would you spread that around the school?" he glares at me, the veins in his neck popping out. "what do you mean?" i ask, genuinely confused. he scoffs, "don't pretend like you don't know." he runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

"i don't know what you're talking about!" i yell at him. "you're the only person who knew about our little game. how else would people know we're a 'couple'? we've been keeping it on the low." he pauses letting me figure it out. "but then it makes sense that you would tell people because you've fallen for me." he smirks.

i look away from him, swallowing all my pride. i regretted everything. he doesn't say anything as he back away from me. "looks like i won, west." i clench my jaw together, "people are right about you, you just like to play with girls like they're toys."

he scoffs once again, "babygirl, i didn't play you. you played yourself. this was all your idea, don't forget that." i'm quick to think of something to say to break the tension that floated in the room. "don't forget that we were in public most times when we went on 'dates'. someone from school could've easily seen us and thought we were dating."

he opens his mouth as if he's about to say something but then quickly shuts it when he can't think of anything to say. "that's what i thought. so before you go around blaming me and making me feel stupid, think about things logically first." i push past him, hitting his shoulder on purpose to let him know how mad i was.

i angrily slam the door behind me, not caring if he was coming behind me or not.

ethan dolan
(play song now)

i clench my jaw and close my eyes as trinity hits my shoulder and slams the door behind her. as soon as the door shuts I yell and push things off the shelves. completely destroying the closet full of supplies. "fuck." i cry out and drag my back down the wall as i break down.
as soon as i get home i lock myself in my room. i sit on my bed, doing nothing but staring at the wall. my eyes drag over to the guitar sitting on the side of my bed. it's like something was begging me to play it.

i sigh and get up, grabbing my guitar. i plop back down on my bed and pluck a few strings, making sure it was in tune. i take a breath in to calm my nerves a bit. i haven't touched my guitar in years. i was surprised i still knew how to.

i never finished the song because next thing i knew i heard a faint knock on my bedroom door. i quickly put my guitar next to me and go unlock the door, opening it to be met with some random kid. "we need to talk." my eyebrows furrow in confusion. "who are you?"

he rolls his eyes, "elijah reeves. i'm trinity's ex, now one of her best friends." my heart instantly dropped at the mention of trinity. "there's nothing we need to talk about. stay out of me and trinity's business." i glare at him, going to shut my door before he places his foot in the way.

"dude. can you not?" i angrily ask and he shrugs. "it's important." he nods as if telling me i should listen to him. i let out a annoying breath, letting him come inside my room. "what's so important that you had to come to me, a stranger?" i watch him as he goes to sit on my bed.

"i saw trinity with matthew today." he simply says and i raise a brow, signaling for him to continue on with what he was saying. "they were all over each other. if i hadn't seen them who would've known how far it would've went with them." he laughs as if it's some kind of joke. "matthew? as in the matthew on my football team?"

he nods his head and i ball my fists together, trying with everything in me not to get pissed off. "why should i care?" i shrug it off and elijah looks at me dumbfounded. "cause you and trinity are together?" he says almost unsure.

"not anymore." i fold my arms across my chest, leaning against the wall. "oh, well i just thought you should know just in case you were." he stands up and waved goodbye to me before leaving. what the fuck just happened? why was trinity making out with matthew?

this is where shit goes downhill in the book😚 also sorry for the short ass chapter. you guys deserve better🥺

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