threat to the village

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Author Notes:  hey there readers......  I could use your help once again.  I need for a ninja jonin level or stronger to help train Gaara to become stronger.  I need what this persons name, looks like, personality, village they are from, strength, jutsu known, the abilities of the jutsu, and if they possess any additional skills (kekkei genkai).  This will help me out greatly in the up coming chapter.  They could be either from the leaf, sand, mist, or even the wave village.  I will give credit to the person whom creates this character as they will appear in several chapters, I'm not sure when but, they will become a part of the story in the future.  You either can give me the information in a message or through your review.  Thanks!

Chapter Fifteen: threat to the village

Sarutobi sat in his office doing his never ending job of paperwork.  He noticed that a white snake had come slithering into the room from under the crack between the door and the floor.  The snake made its way over towards Sarutobi's desk.

"I have come with a message from my master." hissed the snake as it then coughed up a scroll.  Sarutobi bent over taking the scroll from the snake as the old bear demon allowed the snake to wrap its self around Sarutobi's claws.  Sarutobi placed the snake on his desk as he then ran his claws through a series of hand signs unsealing the scroll.  The Onikuma began to read the message finding that it was from one of his students whom was undercover in a group that called themselves the Akatsuki.  The group contained many S-Rank rogue ninja from the various ninja villages.  This group has made attacks on certain ninja's whom held the tailed beasts within them.  It was thanks to what Zabuza had said about the Mizukage that brought it to his attention.  Yagura used to be a very kind and gentle soul whom changed rather suddenly after a visit from a man dressed in a black cloak with red clouds on it.  The same symbol that Sarutobi learned belong to the Akatsuki.  It was known to most of the ninja villages that the Mizukage was a Jinchuriki.

Sarutobi sent two jonin undercover and whom was skilled in breaking genjutsu spells to find out what happened to the Mizukage.  The two jonin was Itachi Uchiha and team eight's captain Kurenai Yuhi.  Itachi of course went in a human disguise.  According to the Tengu when they got back to the village that whomever placed the genjutsu spell on Yagura had the same presence as the Uchiha but, it seemed that this person had lost some of his demonic powers.  Thanks to the two jonin, they had broke the genjutsu spell that was placed on Yagura.  To thank the leaf village for breaking the spell, Yagura pardoned Zabuza of his crimes and made peace as well as an alliance with the leaf village.  But Zabuza chose to stay in the leaf village as it had now become his and Haku's home as they had become used to the village and everyone who lived there.  The former rogue didn't want to move Haku away  from the one place that they have come to call home.  The Onikuma had learned from Minato just before his death that a masked man was solely responsible for what happened on October tenth.  According to Jiraiya's spy network, the same masked man is believed to run and control the Akatsuki.  This masked man called himself Madara Uchiha.  But the old bear demon knew that it was next to impossible as this person didn't have some of the same attributes that all Tengu had meaning this being didn't have the Tengu wings.

Orochimaru's letter told Sarutobi that the Akatusuki plan to attack during the chunin exams to get two of the Jinchuriki.  The Onikuma knew that the two they were after was Gaara the one tail and Naruto the nine tails.

"It seems that the Akatsuki have found away to remove the tailed beasts from those whom have been bounded with their Biju.  Either way it will result in the death of the Jinchuriki host.  For those whom are bonded with their Biju, it could possibly result in killing the tailed beast." stated Orochimaru in the letter.  All of the sanin were once Sarutobi's students and the god parents of Naruto Uzumaki.  Jiraiya had a vast spy network and was working on his books that caused him to be away from the village.  Tsunade worked in the leaf village hospital as she hasn't seen Naruto since after he had been taken in by the Uchiha and mated with Sasuke.  Orochimaru chose to go undercover as the rumor around the village was that he was caught doing some illegal experimentations and fled the village to avoid being captured.  Only the hokage knew the truth behind his student allowed the villagers to believe in the rumors.

Orochimaru's letter caused some concern in Sarutobi as he didn't know how strong or powerful these Akatsuki were or even what they are capable of.  All he knew was that they are S-Ranked rogues in the bingo book listed for criminals.  

"Tell Orochimaru thank you for the message and the warning.  See if its possible for him to get more information on the members and their abilities." Sarutobi stated to the snake.  The summoned creature nodded its head before the snake then vanished in a puff of smoke returning back either to its summoner or to the realm from which it was summoned from.  "Bear......" stated Sarutobi.  An Anbu wearing a bear mask (Yamato/Tenzo) appeared before the third hokage.  "Go to the tower in the forest of death and bring me both Gaara and Naruto Uzumaki." 

"Yes sir." replied the Anbu as he vanished in a swirl of leaves.  The Onikuma hoped that they could make both Naruto and Gaara strong enough before the Akatsuki could strike.

The bear Anbu had come back with the two demons that he was asked to get.

"Thank you Bear." stated the hokage as the bear Anbu nodded his head as he quickly left the office allowing the bear demon to speak to the two demons in private.  "Sorry to summon you both while you are competing in the chunin exams.  But I have received some information from a valuable source that a group of rogue ninja's are coming to attack the village.  They are after the tailed beasts that you both hold." stated Sarutobi.  Both Gaara and Naruto could feel and hear their tailed beasts snarl low and deep from inside their mindscapes.  "According to my source, it is the same masked man that attack on the night that you were born Naruto."  A deep snarling growl arose from Naruto.  His eyes transformed into those of Kurama's as his whisker marks became broader.  The information that the old bear demon didn't sit well with the nine tails as he took control of his host.

"Him again.......  That damn bastard doesn't know when to give up.  He does know that with Shukaku and I bonded a part of our Jinchuriki, that it will be impossible to rip us out of our hosts." stated Kurama through Naruto.  The third hokage didn't seem phased when the fox demon spoke through his host.

"According to my inside source, they may have found a way to separate you both from your hosts.  I have asked them to get some more information on the individuals in this group and what they are capable of.  In the meantime......  I want to begin to have you both train with your hosts while I summon ninja's whom are strong enough to help you both get stronger.  This group is supposed to strike during the chunin exams.  I believe that they will strike during the final rounds." Sarutobi told them both.

"Don't worry Sarutobi.  We will be more than ready as they will find that we aren't as easy to get a hold of." replied Kurama as he then retreated back into Naruto's mindscape allowing the blonde Kitsune's eyes and whiskers to return back to normal.  

"Bear......" stated Sarutobi as the bear Anbu returned back into the room.  "Please bring these two back to the tower in the forest of death.  When you return back here, I have a special mission that I need for you to complete for me." 

"Yes......  Lord Hokage." 

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