Chapter 61 - Ready for the afterlife

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Where the hell am I?

Everything in the room is white so I get that I'm in a hotel. What the fuck?

My head is hurting me as hell but I need to find out who got me here.

I push the duvet to the side to find myself with yesterday's outfit and everything comes back to my mind like a roller coaster.

Someone opens the door and I almost panic but the devil himself shows up.

Jensen is grabbing a bag in his hand as he comes in casually.

"The fuck is going on? No, no, no this can't be true." I don't understand anything and I think he's willing to make me go nuts.

I rush to my feet as I watch him put pastries on the table. Is this a comedy show?

"Are you freaking insane?"

"What? Let's have breakfast," he replies innocently.

I almost laugh but I keep it inside, "What the hell is wrong with you? Did you forget everything you did yesterday? because I didn't!" I wear my shoes again.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It was a mistake. Let's open a new page and-"

"Fuck you!" I rush to the door but he stands in my way.

"And I'm divorcing Danneel. I'm not kidding. It's all real." He takes a file from the table and waves it at me.

I thought I was never going to hear that sentence. But I did. Nice! Too bad it doesn't make me feel anything.

"Good for you 'cause I give zero fucks." I try to open the door but he's blocking my way.

"And Jake is.." He shakes his head.

"What, what happened to Jake?" I will die right fucking now if he's going to say something happened to him.

"He locked himself in his room since yesterday and everyone is worried about him. Just come with me, probably if you talk to him and explain everything he'll go back to normal. He's heartbroken, you don't want him to feel confused and betrayed for the rest of his life, don't you?"


I am truly surprised by the courage I have. I mean how could I agree to this and come to this house after all?

I just hope no one will see us. Jensen searches for his key but he looks like he doesn't have it with him so he just knocks.

Alexandra opens the door and announces to someone "Jensen is here."

Fuck, so they are here. I regret coming here already.

Jensen notices that I haven't moved from my spot so he holds my hand and takes me with him.

"No, I wanna go back," I tell him when I see everyone aka Victor, Donna, Amber, and her husband come towards us.

He tsks and drags me with him until everyone meets us in the middle of the hallways.

"Tell me it's not true. Please tell me Jake is hallucinating." His mother says.

"Jay that video was an act, right? I mean there's no way-" Victor points at us forth and back.

The video? What are they talking about?

"Why are y'all overreacting? It's fucking true. Anastasia is carrying my child." Jensen replies and Donna almost falls down but Victor catches her.

"I made your wish come true. You always wanted to be a grandma. Here it is, you should be happy." He adds calmly as if nothing happened.

"No Jensen. Something big.. no, HUGE like this cannot be overlooked easily. What the hell did you think? That you can do whatever the hell you want and we'll just sit and say nothing without any reaction?" Victor says still holding crying Donna.

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