Chapter 52- A very bad idea

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"So it's been four months that you're dating this guy and you never cared to share?!" Mom crosses her arms over her chest.

"Uhm yea..." I scratch my head. "It's not that important you know." I put my clothes back in my closet.

I thought coming back home was going to be calm and good but no not when your mom is Maria Decker.

"Oh my gosh! He's married, isn't he?" Her jaw hangs to the ground.

"NO!" That's what Sarah thought too when I told her the first time about Jake.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Not just because I had a relationship with one married guy means I have a thing for married people.

"How old is he then? Fifty? Is he your professor?" And the award of the best dramatic mom goes to my mom.

"Mom! I swear I'm gonna pack again and go back to NYU." She's suffocating me. I regret the minute I decided to come to this house.

Why did we have to study online for three months? Gosh, I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Okay! Does this guy have a name?" she sits on my bed, helping me fold the clothes.

"Duh! If you let me talk you wouldn't have to wait for so long." She rolls her eyes at me.

It's okay if I'm dating Jake Cooper, right? I don't know why I feel nervous to say it. I never thought about it in a bad way but now it seems kind of wrong. I don't know.

"Anna! Where did your mind go?"

How long have I been inside my head? "Huh!"

"I'm starting to get worried. If you don't say his name in a second I'm gonna have second thoughts and-"

"Okay. It's Jake. Jake Cooper."

She pauses, thinks, obviously trying to remember where she heard that name.

She literally explodes "Who? Jake Jake! Victor's son Jake."

"Yup. No big deal, see." Now I realize that I have been putting messed clothes straight in my closet without folding them. My mind is seriously gone.

"No big deal?! I don't know girl but what are you doing?"

"Can you stop with your questions? I feel tired and I need to relax please." I throw myself on the bed in resignation.

"Okay, okay." She leaves the room and I feel like a huge weight has been removed from my shoulders.

The sharp ring of my phone makes me leave my comfortable bed and curse the person who's calling me.

Oh, it's Jake.

"Hey wassup?" I say as I put the phone between my shoulder and ear and pack my clothes.

"Hi, babe! I'm just chilling in my room. You?"

"Same." I tsk. "How did the conversation go with your folks?"

I can't imagine the look on Jensen's face when he learns I'm his brother's girlfriend. Wow.

It has to be bad. Just the thought of it makes me cringes.

"Mm about that, I didn't tell them. Did you? Tell yours I mean?" He seems nervous.

"Oh! Yeah, I told my mother. It went pretty good. She was happy and excited, she can't wait to meet you."

Oh yeah, she can't wait to meet you, Jake.


I doubt that he believes me but why wouldn't he? "Uhuh."

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