Chapter 53 - It's about to go down.

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Jensen looks like he's aged an entire decade in the year it's been since I've seen him. If anger and sadness took human form, it would look identical to Jensen. 

"What the hell?" Jensen says out loud, his eyes falling on me.

"Dude, you're not happy to see me?!" Jake stands up from his place and hugs him.

"The fuck is she doing here?" Jensen says out loud clearly talking about me.



Victor and Jake reply to him at the same time.

Jake punches him in the shoulder. "What is wrong with you? Anastasia is my girlfriend!" He looks at him confused.

"What?!" Jensen and Danneel say at the same time.

I have never been this uncomfortable in my whole life. God, please do something.

"Really?" Jensen literally pierces me with his eyes and I look away like a coward.

"Uhuh! And?" Jake replays instead of me and Jensen takes steps back.

I can't look at his face anymore. It hurts so bad and I feel like running away any second.

"Why are you being a jerk?" He adds.

"Jake!" Donna screams at him.

"No I'm just.. I.. Congrats man! I'll see you later." " Jensen pats his shoulder, nodding to himself before leaving.

"What is wrong with him?" Jake asks the snake.

"I don't know." She rolls her eyes before going after him.

Jake raises his hand in a questioning way.

"It's just Jensen. Don't be mad at him." Donna replays

"Well, he's so rude. And I won't accept his behavior towards my girlfriend."

He comes back and sits next to me, holding my hand. "I'm sorry. He talked to you like that."

"No, it's okay. I don't care."

"I.. I don't understand why?" He murmurs to my ear as everyone goes back to eat their food.

"I don't know. He and his wife just hate me since I got here the first time a year ago." I don't like lying to Jake.

I'm just making things complicated. And I'm sure he will know sooner or later so it's better if I tell him the truth before he knows from someone else.

"Okay. Let's eat now." He smiles.

"I'm really full. I can't add another bite." How can I eat after what I did?

"Aa?! Is it because of what Jen-?"

"No, not at all. I already told you I don't care. It's just that I'm feeling a little dizzy, probably from the travel."

He puts his hand on my forehead. "I'm not sick!"

"Are you okay, honey?" Donna asks me.

"Yeah, I just would like to go rest in my room."

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you for everything and the food is very delicious."

"That's Alexandra's magic."

Alexandra! Just the mention of her name, makes my stomach stir.

"Your luggage is in your old room," Donna says.

"Hmm, okay. Thanks." I smile before I quit the room, running upstairs to my room.

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