Chapter Eleven First Day at the New School

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After the incident that happened at the children school, Zayn and Louis made the decision to put them all into a different school and district, they think it will be better for the kids.

" Alexis are you sure you are ready to go to a new school? We can get you a tutor and have you homeschooled if you think that would be better" Louis says to Alexis, it's been about two weeks since the incident at their old school, now they found a school they like better. But Alexis she's been having recurring nightmares and flashbacks since the harassment event. Louis wants to make sure she is ready before he sends her to a new school.

" I'll be okay Louis, I think I'm ready. Plus Tyler, Niall, and Harry will be there if I need anything, I know I'll be fine" Alexis says softly to Louis

" okay, let's get going then" Louis says " come on, everyone in the car" Louis calls out

All the kids come down. Zayn is taking Kendra-May to daycare and driving Liam to college.
Louis is dropping off Alexis, Tyler, Harry, and Niall at Saint Hope Academy, it's a k-12 school but two separate buildings, so after he drops them off, he'll be dropping off Emily, Joseph, and Mollie-Anne.

They get into the car and Louis drives off. The schools are about thirty minutes away, but Louis says it's worth it, to keep the kids safe.

" have a good first day at school, be good. Call me if you need anything" Louis says as Niall, Harry, Tyler, and Alexis get out the car.

" we will" the four of them say and wave bye, and the last one out which is Tyler shuts the door.

" are my little wonderful elementary school kids ready for their first day at the new school?" Louis says as they drive away.

" yes I am!" Mollie-Anne says loudly, she's excited, she loves school, she loves to friends and teachers, and best yet she gets three recesses.

" I am, I didn't really like my other teacher" Emily said softly, she didn't like her that much at all, she was mean.

" sure" Joseph said, he isn't as wild about school like the other two.

" I'm glad, I'm sure you'll all three have an amazing day" Louis said

Louis drives the extra five minutes to the elementary school, once there he parks and they all get out.
Louis helps Mollie-Anne out of her car seat, and drives to hold onto Emily and Joseph hand but they deny it, they're too old for it, they think.

They get into the school, and Louis checks them all three in, and then they walk out.
They go to Emily class first, they are there early, so that Louis can see their classroom and teacher.

" good morning, you must be Louis? And this is Emily?" Asked the teacher " I'm Mrs.Austin"

" yes I am Louis, I am Emily...... I'm her father" Louis says, he didn't realize what he should call himself, technically he is her legal guardian but she calls him papa Lou. " and this is Emily"

" hi" Emily says shyly

" it's very nice to meet you Louis, and it's nice to meet you Emily." Mrs.Austin says " and who are these two young ones?" She asked

" this is Emily little brother Joseph, and her little sister Mollie-Anne. They also are attending the school, in fourth and second grade" Louis said nicely

" I'm Mollie-Anne, I'm seven" Mollie-Anne says with a smile

" it's nice to meet you Mollie-Anne" the teacher says " does Emily have any allergies? Or anything I should be aware of?" She adds

" she's allergic to Grass and Cantaloupe, but other than that, she's great" Louis says nicely " she has an inhaler, but doesn't usually need it, it's only for emergencies"

" can we read books higher than fifth grade reading level?" Emily asked, she's at sixth grade reading level.

" of course you can, what reading level are you at?" She asked " and thank you Louis"

" I'm reading in sixth grade level books" Emily said proudly

" alright Emily, I'll pick you up after school okay? Be good" Louis says and kisses the top of her head.

" bye papa Lou. Bye Joseph and Mollie-Anne" Emily says and waves.

They then go over to the fourth grade room and find Joseph teacher.

" you be must be Joseph father right?" Asked the teacher. " I'm Mr.Olson"

" yes I am Joseph father, I'm Louis" Louis says nicely

" he's not really my father, he's my foster father until we are adopted by him and Zayn, but I don't call them my dad" Joseph points out, out of all the kids, Joseph is definitely the most stubborn and is taking this the hardest, followed by Alexis and then Tyler.

" well it's very nice to meet you Louis" Mr.Olson says " and it's nice to meet you too Joseph, why don't you pick an empty desk?" He asked

" sure I can" Joseph says and walks to find a desk.

" I'm sorry about that outburst, we are working on that, he's just upset" Louis says and apologizes.

" it's okay, me and my wife are foster parents, so I completely get what is happening" mr.Olson says

" thank you, call me if you have any problems? He's still working out some things" Louis said

" will do, thank you Louis" Mr.Olson said

Louis leaves and they go to find Mollie-Anne classroom, they walk in.

" good Morning, you must be Mollie-Anne, and you must be her father? Your name is Zayn?" She said " I'm Miss.Honey"

" I'm Mollie-Anne and I'm seven!" Mollie-Anne said proudly

" yes I am her father, my name is Louis, Zayn is her other guardian, but you'll probably see me most" Louis says nicely

" oh okay, that makes sense, thank you. How's mollie-Anne? Does she like reading or math? Any allergies?" Asked Miss.Honey

" she loves to read, and she's good at math for the most part. She is allergic to smoke and fish, and she has an inhaler, she has mild Asthma" Louis says

" alright, good to know, thank you" Miss.Honey says " Mollie-Anne I got you a desk next to my nicest student, he name is Jane, she's super sweet. Would you like to pick out a book from my bookshelf? We read when we get into class and wait for our friends." Miss.Honey says

" sure I would!" Mollie-Anne says excited and go to the bookshelf.
" bye daddy Lou, love you" Mollie-Anne says and hugs Louis.

" bye Mollie, have a great day. And I love you too" Louis says and leaves.

He gets into the car and drives to the studio.

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