Chapter 1 meet the kids

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Hey, so mine name is Alexis, I am 12 years old. I have no clue why but my parents drop me off at a stranger house with my cousins. Well here some stuff about me. I love basketball and soccer, they are by far my most favorite sport of all time. I am not really into that whole dresses and high heels things or flats. I would rather wear jeans and a t-shirt with my sneakers, but that's just me. Yeah so I can be a bit of a trouble maker you know but what kid isn't I can't always be it and be a goody two shoes all the time you know. I really don't like school all that much I am in the 7th grade in middle school. I like video games, yeah I am a girl who can play them all. My favorite colors are blue and purple, I don't really like pink and yellow all that much, don't know why but I just don't. I love dogs and dolphins so much they are my favorite animals by far, well that's just some things about me.

Hey, so my name is Tyler, well I am 14 and in the 9th grade, yeah first year in high school, pretty Awesome right? Well you know what it's not all fun and games like it seems. I get picked on at school sometimes, I gotten and still do get bullied at times, you know what makes it even worst my stupid parents dropped me off with my sister and cousins at a stranger house for who knows why, and well I don't think I am gonna like that much. It's gonna be hell maybe. Well anyways I really love baseball a lot, even soccer isn't that bad. Hey well i like school sometime my favorite subject is prombly science. I love the color red And my favorite animal is the loin. I love my sister Mollie-Anna to death and will do anything for her. Well I guess I can be a trouble maker sometimes, but I am a boy what can I say. I really like video games espicially FIFA and Halo.

Hey, well my name is Emily, I am 10 years old. I am in 4th grade going to 5th next year. I am a huge girly girl , I love the skirts and dress with cute fancy girl tops. Well i like school espicislly art and English, but what sucks about it, is that sometimes the mean older kids will bully me and call me all theses mean names and push mr around and I really hate it, but I guess sometimes that's life. I am in love with one direction but what girl isn't right, they are my idol. I am an artist I love to draw. I like the girly things like dolls and tea parties. I am not really at all in sports and video games, I mean have I played them yes, but rarely do I. I love my little brother Joseph so much I don't know what I would ever do without him. Well I am a pretty nice and sweet girl, I mean have a caused Trouble yes, but I tried not to. I love the colors pink and purple so much but of course pink a little more. I like monkeys and turtles a lot they are my all time favorite animal. Well that's me and I am Emily of course.

Hey I am 8 year old Joseph. I am a second grader, and I have a big sister he name is Emily. I love cars a lot and trains I always play with them All the time. Well I can be a trouble maker at times but sometimes I am really good but I don't know I am a boy so we cause trouble. I like to play football it's my favorite sport along with kickball I mean that's a sport but it's like a school sport game you know what I mean. I really like the color orange, it's just so bright and pretty. I like to play video games sometimes but like not too volent ones. I love spongebob square pants so much and scooby Doo thoses are my favorite shows to watch on tv.

Hi there I am 6 year old Molly-Anne, I am in 1st grade. I have a wonderful big brother named Tyler, and he is the bestest big brother in the whole wide world. Well I really love to play dress up and my favorite princess is Belle and Jasmine. I love to play tea party and house with my dolls, brother, or cousins when they want to play with me. I love to wear dresses and the color pink, I like butterfly's and flowers a lot, I wear them all the time. I like going to parks and playing games. I like bunnies and monkeys and all animals a bunch. I like to be nice but I do have a naughty side. I like my school and I have a lot of friends. I really like Sophia the first and max and Rudy they are my favorite tv shows And of I could I would watch them all the time. That's me I am a bubbly 6 year old.

Hey, my name is Kendra-May, I am just 4 years old. I get scarred a lot and I am afraid of the dark it's scary. My mommy And daddy dropped me And my cousins off at this house And I don't know who even lives here and it's scary what if they hurt us or me I am scarred I hope not. Anyways I love princesses and dora the explorer. They are the coolest thing ever. I like to play pretend. I like playing with dolls and Barbies they are so much fun. Um I am very nice and like to stay out of trouble. I am a crazy hyper little girl, I am a girl one you know I like the dresses and stuff. Well that's some things about me.

These 6 brave kids get dropped off at none other than the one direction house. They don't know what's going on or why there parents just dropped them off here and left. Now they have to live and deal with one direction should be fun right?

Okay so you already know Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry and zayn so no need to tell you about them.

But Louis is 22, Zayn is 20, Liam is 19, Harry is 17, and Niall is 16. But other than taht you guys should know all about them

-Written By Everyone but Isabella and Madison More :)

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