Chapter 3 Rules and Consequences

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Okay so everyone actually took a short like 1 hour nap. Then they all wake up and that's when.

Zayn- well now that everyone is okay we should

Liam- talk about the rules we have

Louis- And consequences if theses rules are broken.

Joseph- rules?


They all looks scarred and Fritened at the thought.

Harry- its okay as long as you follow them you will be fine, I be you guys will be great.

Kendra-May- I am sorry but they are very bad trouble makers

Harry- now come on I bet that is not true one bit

Alexis- sorry Harry but it kind of is

Tyler- sorry but is really is we cause trouble sometimes.

Harry- well it's just gonna take some time you will get used to it

Alexis- I hope so

Tyler- yeah me too

Zayn- okay now that we are done with that lets get on with it.

Kids- okay

Liam- okay no kicking, hitting, punching, bitting, or fighting.

Louis- no talking back and being rude.

Zayn- no running away, listen when we tell you do do something

Liam- do as you are told the first time

Zayn- be good and respectful And don't curse and use naughty words .

Louis- and most of all have fun!!!!!

Zayn- is this understood

Kids- yes yes sirs

Liam- and if theses rules are broken you will be put in time out.

Louis- grounder mostly for the older ones.

Zayn- or you will get a spanking. Is this understood.

All the kids look scarred at the thought and they all shake their heads yes.

Niall- hey don't be alarmed. Wanna know a secret.

Kids- sure sure

Niall- well you know what they treat me and Harry the same way and of we get out of line they spank us to, so nothing to be embarrassed or afraid of, me and Harry were like that, maybe it won't even happen who's knows.

Mollie-Anne- rrrreally they do

Niall- oh yes sweety

Tyler- well that makes me feel a little better.

Emily- yeah me too I guess

Niall- that's good and web sometimes they have gotten one.

Alexis- really they have

Niall- they have

Joseph- cool I guess

Niall- yeah

Harry- so what do we do now

Niall- dunno

Louis- have not a clue Harry dear

Harry- hmmm.... Makes me wonder and laughs.

Kendra-may- well um I know we haven't like gone out to buy things but you guys got any games or something we can play, please.

Things change ( a one direction children spanking story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora