Chapter Eight | Waffles For Breakfast

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Ember's POV:

I opened my eyes to golden rays of sunlight; the sun was barely filtering through the curtains, but it gave the room a lovely glow. The warmth from Johnny's body made me wanna stay in bed all day. The way his strong arms were wrapped around me made me feel so safe and comfortable. 'I wonder if he's awake or not.' I wondered inside of my head. As if on cue he gently tightened his arms around me, which made my insides feel all warm and fuzzy. "Good morning Johnny." I said in a soft tone. "Morning sweetheart," He said in a raspy morning voice. I gently turned around just so I could face him and snuggle into his chest. "Did you sleep good?" He asked me curiously as he gently rubbed my side. "I slept great." I replied with a small smile. "So did I." He said as he left a soft kiss on my forehead. We cuddled for a while before he started untangling himself from me. I groaned in disapproval, which made him laugh slightly. "Hey, don't be sad sweetheart. We can cuddle all day after we get ready and eat breakfast." He said as he brushed some of my hair from my face. "Okay." I said feeling happier even though I would have loved staying in bed with him all day. He went into the bathroom to take a shower and change. When he walked back into the room he was wearing a plain white buttoned shirt with a pair of black sweatpants. He looked so good it hurt, especially with his slightly damp hair. "I picked out some clothes for you to borrow if you wanna take a shower or bath while I make us breakfast." He said as he walked towards the bedroom door. "Okay." I replied. "Do you like waffles?" He asked me curiously as I stretched. After I said yes he went to the kitchen and I got out of bed so I could take a bath. Once I was finished I put on the clothes he set out for me to borrow. The shirt and everything was big on me, but it felt so comfy plus it smelled like Johnny. When I walked out into the kitchen I found him standing in the kitchen making waffles for us. "Hey, it smells amazing in here." I said, which caught his attention. The place did smell like vanilla, cinnamon, and sugar. It made me hungry just being in the apartment. "Thanks. Hey, you look so cute in my clothes." He said with a smile. "Thanks." I replied with a shy laugh, and I'm sure I was blushing. "Do you want coffee or tea?" I asked him curiously. "Coffee please." He said, and I started brewing a pot of coffee for the two of us. Once he finished cooking we filled our plates and sat at the kitchen table to eat together. I put butter and syrup on the waffles I had and he did the same. "Oh my god, these waffles are so good." I said after I swallowed my first bite. "I'm really glad you like them." He replied happily. We ate and made small talk, which was nice. Being with him made me feel so happy. "What do you wanna do today besides cuddle?" Johnny asked me curiously as he ran a hand through his hair. "Whatever you wanna do. As long as I'm with you it doesn't matter." I replied with a smile and he smiled too. After we finished eating I helped him clean up and wash dishes. He told me I didn't have to help, but I really wanted to so he let me. Once everything we were finished we went into the living room where Johnny turned on the tv. "I hope you don't mind me watching the news. It's something I do every morning, I kinda have a routine." He said with a shy little laugh as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's fine." I replied and he relaxed a little. I wasn't sure why he was nervous about him watching the news or having a morning routine. We watched the news and weather together for a while before my phone started buzzing.

Onyx: Hey, how are you today?

Me: I'm good. How are you?

Onyx: I'm alright I guess. My roommate has actually calmed down a bit. Idk what happened to him, but I'm glad he's acting normal instead of a party crazed fuck boy.

Me: That's good. Maybe some girl turned him down or something.

Onyx: Lol. Maybe XD What are you up to?

Me: Well, I'm just relaxing at the moment. What about you?

Onyx: I'm just chilling in my dorm. How's your father doing today btw?

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