Chapter Four | Secret Friendship

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Ember's POV:

When I got to my poetry class I wasn't surprised that Mr. Depp wasn't there yet. He and I agreed that we'd arrive to class separately so we didn't arouse anyone's suspensions. I took the seat I sat in on Monday and took my notebook out along with my textbook. A couple more students came in before Mr. Depp did, and a small smile spread across my face when we made eye contact. He smiled slightly as well and he sat his brown briefcase on his desk before taking roll call. "Today I want you all to read a few poems in your text books. But instead of staying inside, I figured we could head outside and enjoy the nice weather." He said once everyone was quiet. "So you want us to bring our backpacks with us?" An olive skinned guy asked him curiously. "No, you can leave you things here. I'll lock up the classroom to make sure your stuff is safe; just bring your poetry books with you." He said as he opened the classroom door and held it open for us all. Everyone got up from their desks and walked towards the doorway with books in their hands. When I walked passed him I acted normal because I didn't want people to think anything. All they needed to know what that he and I just had a student teacher relationship, even though that isn't the case anymore. We all gathered in the hallway and waited for Mr. Depp to join us. Once he locked up the classroom he lead the way out a side door and out onto the bright green grass. A few people were talking amongst themselves as we walked over to a large oak tree. It wasn't the one he and I sat under though. For some reason I was glad that it wasn't, because then that tree wouldn't be as special. We sat down in the cool grass in a circle. To my surprise and delight, Mr. Depp sat down next to me. "Start on page ten and read all the way up to page nineteen." He said to all of us. We opened our books and I started reading the various poems that he assigned us to read. It didn't take long to realize they all had a reoccurring theme and it just so happened to be nature. Every once in a while a light breeze would blow, and it rustled the leaves. The breeze also wafted Mr. Depp's cologne in my direction which was a little bonus to sitting next to him. I thought it was going to be distracting, but it was actually pretty relaxing and calming even though my heart was beating a little faster than usual. The smell of the freshly mowed grass was a contributing factor as well. Everything felt perfect. It would have been even more perfect if Mr. Depp and I were alone. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and returned my focus on the poems I needed to read. When I was finished reading I gently closed my textbook and enjoyed the beautiful weather as I waited on everyone else to finish reading. "Is everyone finished reading?" Mr. Depp asked, breaking the comfortable silence. Everyone said yes, and he told us our first real homework assignment. He said he wanted us to write a poem inspired by nature. "You can use whatever poetic techniques you'd like, but please try and stick to one." He said, and I couldn't help the small smile on my face. All I could think about was the place he took me today for lunch. 'Maybe he did that on purpose.' I thought, but I didn't care. We stood up and followed him back to the classroom where he let us start drafting our poems. Before I knew it he was dismissing us from class. I slowly packed up my things, unlike everyone else who seemed like they were in a hurry. I ended up being the last one in the classroom; I'd be lying if I said that wasn't intentional. "Do you like the poem topic I chose for you guys?" Mr. Depp asked me curiously as he walked towards me. "Like it? I love it! I can't wait for you to read what I have in mind." I said with a smile, and he smiled as well. "I think I have an idea of what you're going to write about." He replied as he ran a hand through his hair, and I let out a little laugh. I finished packing my stuff but I didn't put my backpack on yet. "Well... I guess I better get going." I said feeling a little sad. I really didn't wanna leave, but I knew I'd get to see him again tomorrow. "Hey, come here." He said softly with a soft look in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. My insides melted as he came closer and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his chest as I breathed in his heavenly scent. My heart and soul was so full of love for him, and I wondered if he could feel it. I wondered if he could tell I was falling deeper and deeper in love with him with every second of every day. 'Probably not. He doesn't even know how you feel about him.' I said to myself, and maybe that was for the best. I didn't wanna mess up the newly established friendship we have together. We slowly broke the hug and he left a kiss on my forehead like before, and I'm sure I was blushing. "Have a good rest of the day, Mr. I mean, Johnny." I said and my inside melted from the look in his eyes. He literally made me feel like the happiest girl in the entire universe. "You too, Ember. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow." He said with an adorable smile on his handsome face. "Thanks, so am I." I replied with a smile as well. After we said our goodbyes I put my backpack on and walked out of the classroom. I felt so happy and free. I felt like I was on top of the world. When I walked into the library I sat down at one of the computers and Onyx joined me, which was nice little surprised. "Why are you so smiley?" He asked with a smile as he sat down next to me. "Why do you think?" I asked him with a smile. "I take it you had a nice lunch with Mr. Depp?" He asked in a hushed tone, and I nodded. I told him what happened and how sweet Mr. Depp has been to me. "Awww. That's so cute!" Onyx said with a smile and a soft look in his eyes. I logged into my computer to finish the short little story that was due for my creative writing class. Before long the library got a little chaotic, so Onyx and I got a study room where it was quieter. It was better since we were alone and we could talk in normal inside voices. I got my chemistry book out and started reading the first chapter. When I was finished I put my book away and went to writing my nature poem. After a few lines there was a light knock on the study room door. When I looked up I saw Mr. Depp standing there with a smile on his face. There was a glass in the door so people could look out and look in. He waved at me and I waved back before he went on down the hallway. I found Onyx looking at me with a smile on his face. "What?" I asked him curiously. "You're blushing like mad." He replied, and I couldn't help but to laugh. "Oh, go back to your math homework." I said, which made him chuckle. We finished our homework and hung out for a while before I decided to go home. But we exchanged numbers just so we could text each other when we weren't together. After we checked out of the study room, we said our goodbyes. He went down the hall to go to his next class and I walked outside to my car. I put my backpack in the passenger seat before buckling up. On my way home I listened to some music like I always do. All I could do was think about Johnny and wonder what he was doing right now. 'Maybe he and I could hangout after college some time.' I thought inside of my head. As soon as I got home I fed and watered my cat Jasper before going upstairs to my bedroom. I changed the books in my backpack before setting it aside for tomorrow morning. After writing a new chapter for one of my Wattpad stories, I headed out to my dad's building. It's where we does all of his wood carving and wood building work. The door was open, so I just walked in. He was sitting at his work bench painting one of his many creations. "What are you painting?" I asked him curiously as I took a seat at his work bench. "A mallard duck. A bunch of people are ordering them from my website, so I figured I should get most of them finished." He said, stopping to dip his brush in more green paint. He asked me how my day was, and I told him it was good. I left out the fact that I had lunch with my professor though; that's something he's probably raise his eyebrows at. And I really didn't want him to know I had a crush on a man that was older than him. If my dad knew that he's probably give me some kind of lecture; I definitely knew my mom would if she was here. But thankful she's on a business trip in Ohio. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and helped my dad paint a few ducks. Once we were finished we cleaned up and washed out hands. "I'll make dinner since you made it last night." My dad said as we walked back into the house. "I can help you if you want me to." I said. "No, I've got it." He replied. While he was busy cooking dinner I went into the living room to watch some tv. As I watched Parks and Recreation I decided to message Onyx just to see what he was up to.

Me: Hey! What's up?

Onyx: Not much. My roommate wants me to go to some frat party tonight. Lol

Me: Are you gonna go?

Onyx: No, I have way too much homework to go to parties. What are you up to?

Me: Just watching tv.

Onyx: Cool. At least you aren't being tortured by psychology homework. XD

Me: You poor soul. I know how you feel though. I had psychology last year; I'm surprised I even passed tbh. Lol

Onyx: Which professor did you have? I have Mr. Jenkins.

Me: You should he fine with him. I had Mrs. Lane, she was a horrible teacher.

After he and I talked for a while I figured I should let him focus on his homework. So I just sat on the couch and watched tv while I waited on dinner to he ready. 'I wish I had Mr. Depp's number.' I thought inside of my head. Even though I wanted to be able to talk to him more, I was way too shy to ask for his number. Hell, I didn't even know if he has a cellphone. 'He probably does, he just doesn't use it when he's teaching.' I said to myself. Eventually my dad said it was time to eat, so I shut the tv off and joined him in the kitchen. The two of us just talked about the great weather we were having for September. Usually it's already getting cooler here, but I was glad that it wasn't. I prefer having cooler temperatures in October and November rather than September. Fall is my favorite season after all, and it's not just because my birthday is in November. Halloween is my all time favourite holiday and I love the colored leaves. When my dad and I finished eating I helped him clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes. "Do you wanna go cruise around in the car like old times?" He asked me curiously. "Sure." I replied with a smile. After locking up the house we got into his car and just drove around since the sun was still up. The entire time we listened to The Beatles, The Ramones, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Aerosmith, etc. It took me back to when I was younger, and it made my dad happy. Today really was a wonderful day. There isn't a better way to end your day than watching the sunset while listening to Dani California by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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