Chapter Six | Soft

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Ember's POV:

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. After I rubbed the sleep from my eyes I stretched and snuggle in my covers for a bit. Then I got out of bed so I could get ready for the day. After putting on one of my favorite Harry Potter shirts and a pair of black sweatpants, I went downstairs to see my dad and Onyx in the kitchen. My dad was cooking eggs and bacon while my friend was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. We said good morning to each other as I walked across the room to get a mug from the cabinet. After I poured some coffee in my Slytherin mug and joined Onyx at the table, my dad finished making breakfast for us. "You're a Slytherin?" Onyx asked me curiously. "Yeah. What Hogwarts house are you in?" I replied before taking a sip of coffee myself. "Ravenclaw." He said with a smile. "Cool, my dad is a Ravenclaw." I said. All three of us ended up talking about Harry Potter stuff, which immediately put me in a good mood. We discussed the books, movies, characters, etc. Then my dad asked us questions about college and stuff. When we finished eating, Onyx and I helped my dad clean up. He said we didn't have to but we wanted to. "Thanks for letting my spend the night." Onyx said as he gathered his things. "Don't mention it. Feel free to come back and stay whenever you like." My said with a smile. He tanked my dad a couple more times before we left. Most of the car ride was filled with silence even though we were listening to the radio. "Your dad seems nice. I like him." Onyx said, breaking the silence that had settled down around us. "Thanks, he's the best dad ever." I replied with a slight laugh. "Forgive me for mentioning this, but... where's your mother?" He asked me curiously with furrowed brows. "It's okay. She's away on a business trip." I replied, and he seemed to relax a bit. I guess he figured my parents were divorced or something worse. A comfortable quiet passed between us as I continued driving; it wasn't broken until after I parked my car in the dorm parking lot. "Listen, my dad and I wouldn't mind having you stay with us if you want." I said after he let out a deep disappointed sigh. "Thanks, but I might as well stay in the dorm since I'm paying for it. But hopefully next semester I'll get a new roommate." He replied as he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. Today he had his blond hair pulled back in a short ponytail. "Okay, but just keep that in mind if you wanna break during the weekend." I said, and a smile spread across his face. "Thanks, Ember. I really appreciate it, you and your father have been so kind to me; you're truly a great friend." He said happily, and I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. "Don't mention it. You're a great friend too, Onyx. I don't know what I'd do without you to be honest." I said. We have each other a little hug before he said out goodbyes. I sat and waited until he entered the building before starting up my car again. As I was about to leave the parking lot I got a text from dad asking if I could pick up some paint for him. I told him yes and he let me know which colors he needed. After putting my phone away I left the dorms behind me and headed into town to get some paint for my dad's woodworking projects. When I got to Wal-Mart I parked my car and went into the store. I didn't even care that I was wearing a pair of sweatpants instead of jeans, especially since it was a rainy day. The gray skies were a bit comforting though. 'It's a great day for reading and writing. Maybe even a good day for a movie marathon or something like that as well.' I thought inside of my head as I grabbed a cart. I went straight to the arts and crafts section where I looked at the paints. After grabbing the ones my dad needed I went to the movies and music section of the store, which was in the very back. "Looking for a movie to watch tonight?" A familiar voice asked me. When I turned towards the voice I saw Mr. Depp looking at me with his magical, chocolate brown eyes. "Hi." I said shyly, which made his beautiful eyes sparkle. "How are you today? I see your alone and not with your boyfriend." He said as he turned his attention to the rows of movies in front of us. "Boyfriend? No, Onyx and I are just friends." I said with a slight laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know, I just assumed since I've seen you two together a lot." He said as he ran a hand through his hair and scratched his head slightly. "It's okay. There's no way you could have known, but you know now." I said with a small smile. A comfortable silence passed between us before he spoke up again. "Um... this might be a little short notice, but... we could spend some time together... I mean... if you want to." He said, talking with his hands adorably. "Well, I have to drop off this paint to my dad first but I'd love to spend some time with you." I replied. "Really?" He asked with slightly raised eyebrows. His eyes were so bright and happy that it made my insides feel so warm and fuzzy. "Yes really." I replied with a smile and little laugh. He ran his hand through his hair again before rubbing the back of his neck. "I know this might be a little inappropriate, but... are you okay with coming over to my place? I can give you my address if you're okay with it." He said. I thought about it for a few minutes, just wondering if I should go to his place. 'Well, you did get in his car and let him take you off campus.' I thought inside of my head. But deep down I didn't want him to lose his job if he got spotted with me at his home. "What if someone sees us?" I asked him curiously with furrowed brows. "No one will. I promise." He said with the cutest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen in my entire life. I eventually agreed to meet him at his place, which made him smile. He gave me his address and we talked for a little while before we said our goodbyes. I went to one of the checkout lines and purchased the paint I picked up. Then I went out to my car to put everything in the passenger seat before heading home. "Did you get everything?" My dad asked me curiously after I entered his building. "Yeah." I replied as I sat the Wal-Mart bag on his work bench. "Thank ya, sweetie." He said with a smile as he rubbed my shoulder. I sat down next to him and watched as he continued carving another duck. "You know, I really like that Onyx boy. His accent is so cool and he's really nice. I'm glad you two are friends; he's kinder than than the other friends you use to have." He said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled down around us. He was right, Onyx is a better friend than Preston and Lacy ever was. They were always more interested in what was popular and easy rather than what was right and pure. "I'm glad he and I are friends too," I said. I paused before mentioning Mr. Depp. "Speaking of friends, I ran into one at Wal-Mart. He asked me if we could hangout and I said yes." I said, hoping he wouldn't ask too many questions. "Is he coming over?" He asked me curiously as he kept on carving. "No, I was actually gonna go over and see him at his place." I said, which really caught his attention; so much so that he stopped carving his duck. He asked him is Mr. Depp was trustworthy, especially since I'd be at his place instead of here. I told him yes and I convinced him that I'd be safe. "What's his name?" He asked me curiously with furrowed brows. "Johnny. His name is Johnny." I said with a smile. After we talked for a while we said our goodbyes and hugged before I went to see Mr. Depp. 'I really need to start calling him Johnny more in my head.' I thought inside of my head. But I was too scared to call him Johnny in front of other students and stuff. On my way to Johnny's place I listened to some music just to calm my nerves a bit. When I finally arrived at his apartment building I went to the elevator and punched number five on the keypad. There wasn't any elevator music, but I didn't mind. I absolutely hate elevators, but I didn't want to take the stairs and be out of breath when I got to his apartment door. 'What am I gonna do when my dad asks to meet Johnny?' I wondered inside of my head. 'I guess I'll tackle that problem when it comes.' I said to myself. Eventually the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I took a deep breath before walking into the hall. When I found his apartment I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. A couple of seconds passed before the door opened, to reveal a very handsome man. He was wearing different clothes than what he was wearing at Wal-Mart. Now he was wearing a royal blue buttoned shirt with a pair of perfectly fitting black pants. He looked absolutely gorgeous! "There you are, come in." He said with a cute smile. I walked inside the apartment and he closed the door behind me. The room in front of me had a gypsy seventies vibe to it. It was satisfyingly rustic, yet colorful and vibrant as well. "It's not much, but it's home." He said as he rubbed his hands on the sides of his legs. "I think it looks perfect." I replied, which made him smile. He lead me into the living room before asking me if I wanted something to drink. He ended up making both of us a hot cup of tea since it was a chilly day. We sat on the couch and talked for a bit. It actually started to rain and it even began thundering. "I love thunderstorms. I think they're relaxing." He said. "I love them too." I said with a smile. Usually people hate thunderstorms because they're too loud, but I find them really relaxing just like he does. After a while the thunder stopped, but the rain was pouring down and hitting the windowsill really hard. "What's that delicious smell?" I asked him curiously. The smell of cooking food filled the air, and my stomach was kind starting to growl. "Since I knew you were coming over I decided to cook something for lunch for us." He said with another cute smile on his handsome face. "You didn't have to do that." I replied. "I wanted to. I invited you over, so I felt responsible for giving you nice hot meal. Come here, I think it's almost done." He said as he stood up. I stood up as well and followed him into the kitchen. He put some hand mittens on and opened the oven to pull out what he was cooking. He cooked some baked salmon, asparagus, with red potatoes with parsley and butter. 'He literally cooked me a dinner for lunch.' I said inside of my head. Deep down I felt guilty that he went through all of this cooking just for me, but I can't deny that it made me feel special. "You're so sweet, Johnny." I said as I gave him a side hug. He hugged me back and I breathed in his heavenly scent. "I just wanted you to feel special." He replied as we broke the hug. My heart melted from the warm softness in his beautiful eyes. "You accomplish that effortlessly." I replied before I gave him a proper hug. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest, which made him gently tighten his arms around me. After we broke the hug he plated the food and we ate at the kitchen table together. We made small talk as we ate; our conversations mostly consisted about college. He asked me about my other classes and stuff, and I asked him about the classes he was teaching. I offered to help him clean up when we finished eating, and he said I didn't have to. "Johnny, you made this delicious meal for me when you didn't have to. Let me help you clean up." I said, and he caved. He rolled up his sleeves and I helped him wash the dishes. 'I wonder how it would feel to fall asleep in his arms.' I wondered inside of my head as we cleaned. Once we were finished we went into the living room where he put in a movie for us to watch. We sat a comfortable distance away, but that was soon interrupted. A little chill ran down my spine, and I'm pretty sure he noticed. "Come here." He said, which surprised me and made my heart speed up a bit. "What?" I asked him curiously as I turned my attention towards him. "Are you cold?" He asked me curiously with a life furrowed brows. "A little." I replied with a slight laugh. "Come here. He said as he motioned towards himself. I moved closer to him as he put his legs on the couch. He pulled me closer so where I was positioned between his legs, and my head was on his chest. Then he grabbed a nearby blanket to wrap around me, which made my insides melt. He wrapped his arms around me and gently rubbed my back to warm me up. I'm sure I was blushing like crazy. "Are you warm enough?" He asked me curiously before he left a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Yeah." I replied. "Are you comfy enough?" He asked. I mumbled a yes as I snuggled into his chest and he chuckled softly as he tightened his arms around me. Now I wasn't even focused on the movie we were supposed to be watching. I was listening to the calming rhythm of his heart beating in his chest. 'He makes me so soft.' I said inside of my head as I enjoyed how close and intimate we were right now. Deep down I was so afraid of losing him, and I wondered if he was afraid of losing me too.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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