Chapter Fourteen | The Dance

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Ember's POV:

"Why don't you invite Mr. Depp? I mean, I know you two are friends, so why not?" My dad said as he and I done some finishing touches on our Halloween decorations. "Okay, I'll ask him but I'm not sure if he'll come." I said as I handed him a couple fake spiders. "That's fine. Just as long as you ask him to come. I'm sure he'd like to have some company if he's lonely man like you say he is." He said, and I couldn't help but smile. My dad has a big heart, and I was so glad he wanted to invite Johnny to our little Halloween party. "I'll ask him tonight. He's gonna be a chaperone at the college Halloween dance, so I'll see him." I said as he and I walked into the house to wash out hands. Some of the older decorations we used were dusty and we had to clean them off. Sometimes I wish it was Halloween forever, but then it probably wouldn't be as special to me anymore. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as he and I started making sandwiches for lunch. "What time are you going to Onyx's dorm?" He asked me curiously as he started making him a sandwich. "Probably four o'clock. The dance starts at eight, but we have to put out costumes together and stuff." I said and he nodded. After we ate I went up to my room to pack up all the makeup I bought to do looks and stuff for the dance. Then I picked out the things I bought for my costume and packed it away in a separate bag. Eventually it was time to go see Onyx, and I said my goodbyes to my dad. "Be careful. You know the crazy people come out at this time of the year." He said as he walked out to my car with me. "I know that, but I myself am strange and unusual." I said, which made him smile and chuckle. "Okay, go and have some fun with your friends." He said as I put my things in my car. "I will. See you later dad." I said before I got in the driver's seat. After I got on the road I turned on the radio; Thriller by Michael Jackson played through the speakers. I sang along even though I probably sounded like a dying cat or something. By the time I got to the dorms it was a little last four but I wasn't really worried. We had plenty of time to get ready. After locking up my car I went up to Onyx's dorm and knocked on the door. "Hey! Come on in." He said with a smile as he opened the door for me. When I walked into the dorm it looked the same as it had when I was here before. Richard was laying on his head wearing a white polo shirt and a pair of khaki colored skinny jeans. He was staring up at the ceiling like he was having an existential crisis. "Are you excited for the dance?" I asked Onyx as he and I saw down on his bed. "Yes! I see you brought your stuff." He said with a big smile on his face. "That I did. What would you like me to paint you up as?" I asked him curiously as I flopped the makeup bag on the bed with a thump. "Holy shit! That's a lot of makeup." Onyx chuckled as he ran a hand through his blond hair. I told him it was best if he out the costume on first before I did his makeup, and that's what he did. He changed in the bathroom across the hall and came back dressed as Jack Skelington. "Did you invite Hannah to the dance?" I asked him curiously as he sat down. "Yeah, she's dressing us as Sally." He replied with a smile. "Aww. That's so cute!" I said with a smile. After a couple minutes of talking I started painting Onyx's face to look like a skull. He wanted a realistic look instead of the Tim Burton look. Apparently Hannah was getting a realistic voodoo doll paint job by some professional artist she knows. Music was playing as I worked, just because it helps me focus when I do anything art related. "Those brushes tickle." He said, which made me laugh slightly. "I told you they would." I said. When I was finished he looked in the mirror and he seemed impressed by what I had done. "Holy shit! He actually looks like a skeleton!" Richard said. It was the first words he said since I had gotten here, which was an hour ago. To my surprise he asked if I could paint his face to look like a scary pumpkin, and I said sure. The song Ballad of Dwight Fry by Alice Cooper was playing as I got started on him. By the time it was seven o'clock I actually got to getting myself ready. Since I was going as a witch there wasn't much makeup involved with my outfit. All I needed to do was change into my costume and put on some eye makeup and lipstick. I made Onyx and Richard leave the room because it was an all boys dorm; there weren't any girls bathrooms. I didn't wanna be changing and have a random guy come in there. When I was dressed I said they could come back in. "You look awesome, Ember!" Onyx said with a smile. Richard looked at me with large eyes, but he didn't say anything. Maybe it was because it was the first time he saw me in a dress. But then again.... it was the first time Onyx had seen me in a dress as well. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind. When eight o'clock came around we headed towards the gym where they were having the dance. A bunch of people were dressed up and some complemented us on our costumes. As we walked into the gym Dig Up Her Bones by The Misfits were blasting from dj system on the other side of the room. "At least they're playing good music." I said, and Onyx agreed. Suddenly I noticed that Richard was no longer with us, and I wondered where he was. But when I spotted him with a bunch of jock looking types, I just forgot about him. The two of us walked around a bit and grabbed some snacks to eat before every one got their hands on them. We got some punch as well before anyone could spike it. "Oh my god, there she is." Onyx said, catching my attention. When I looked in the direction he was, I saw Hannah decked out as Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas. She looked absolutely amazing! "Wow. You look amazing, Onyx." She said in a shy tone. "Thanks, Ember here did my makeup for me." He said. The three of us talked before they went off on their own. The entire gym was packed full of people at this point. The lights were shut off except for multi colored ones to add ambiance. The night went on and the dj kept playing good music. I hoped they had that guy for all of their dances and stuff, but I doubted that they did. As I walked around I ran into Richard who was still hanging around his jock type friends. "Hey, thanks for doing my makeup. Um... what's your name again?" He said, leaving his friends behind on the dance floor. "Ember. My name is Ember." I replied awkwardly. Onyx had told me that he hadn't been the same ever since the first weekend he didn't spend at the dorms. I kinda wondered what had happened to him, but I still didn't know Richard enough to trust him. "No problem. I bet you've had a lot of people complement you on it." I said, and he nodded. "Oh yeah, a lot of people have. Suddenly He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask) by Alice Cooper came on. "I love this song." I said randomly. "I'm sorry, I'm indifferent. I prefer rap and hip hop music." He said, shrugging. "Richard! Get over here!" Someone yelled for him. He said his goodbyes to me before running over to his friends. I shook my head as he talked to his crowd of people, and I wondered if those guys really were his friends. 'Maybe they're just using him somehow.' I thought inside of my head. When I finally ran into Onyx and Hannah again the theme song to the movie Halloween was playing. "Hey! I heard they're having games and stuff in the classrooms around the college. Do you wanna go there and hangout instead of here?" Onyx asked me curiously. "Sure." I replied. The entire night I didn't see Johnny anywhere and Keep wondered if he had shown up at all. 'I hope he's okay.' I thought inside of my head. The thought of him being sick or getting hurt made me sad. The three of us walked out into the hallway and headed towards the many classrooms lining the halls. "So what's your college major?" Hannah asked me curiously as we walked around. "Fine arts." I replied. "That's so cool. You two are the artsy theater types. I'm honestly glad, because I'm not into the jock and popular people." She said with a slight laugh. "Neither are we." Onyx replied. We went to a couple games and won some prizes. We walked into another classroom and my heart skipped a beat. Johnny was there looking handsome in an eighteen hundreds styled suit. "Hey! Professor Depp! We thought you'd be on the dance floor." Onyx joked lightly. "Dear god, no. Dancing terrifies me." He replied, which made us laugh slightly. The game he was in charge of was throwing darts at balloons, which I'm actually fairly good at. Hannah and Onyx went first. "We're gonna go to the other games. I hope you don't mind." Onyx said as Hannah tried dragging him off. "It's fine." I replied with a slight laugh. Honestly I was glad, because it left Johnny and I alone. After I threw my darts at the balloons Johnny picked out a bat plushie as my prize. "So, what are you dressed up as?" I asked him curiously. "Well, I'm supposed to be a vampire but I my fangs didn't wanna stay in." He said, and I laughed slightly. "I'm sure you made an attractive vampire with your fangs." I said and he smiled. "You make a beautiful witch." He said as he ran a hand through his curly hair an bit his bottom lip slightly. "Thanks." I said, blushing. After we flirted with each other for a while I ended up inviting him to the little Halloween party at my place tomorrow night. "Of course I'd love to come! Will Onyx be there too?" He asked curiously with slightly furrowed brows. "Yeah, he'll be there." I replied. He and I talked a little longer before some other professor came in to take his place. I was happy that he and I were free that to roam the halls together. Suddenly I was pulled into a supply closet by Johnny. Once the door was securely shut behind us he pulled me into a tight hug. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in his heavenly scent. After breaking the hug slightly we captured each other's lips in a kiss. I snaked my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his soft hair. He pulled me so close to his body I doubted there was enough room for a sheet of paper to fit between us. My knees felt weak and my heart was beating faster than usual. I loved the way he made me feel when we kissed. It felt like nothing else in the world mattered except us. We had a little make out session that left us breathless when we broke the kiss. Our foreheads were resting on each other's as we tried getting our breath back. From where we were I could hear the music from the gym, and they were playing Everybody by The Backstreet Boys. Every time I hear that song I always think about the tv show called Scream Queens. Sadly it's a cancelled show, but I still have the first season on dvd. It's always in the Halloween must watch list every single year. "Are you taking Onyx home tonight?" He asked me once we were breathing normally again. I told him that I was and he seemed a little disappointed. Deep down I wanted to go home with him and cuddle all night until we fell asleep, but I know I couldn't. We hugged and kissed for at least an hour or so. I thanked god Jeffree Star's liquid lipsticks dry all the way down, or the color unicorn blood would have ended up all over Johnny. It would have went well with his vampire Asthetic though if he had fangs. My phone buzzed and it was message from Onyx letting me know that Hannah had left for the night. Johnny and I got our goodbye hugs and kisses out of our systems before leaving the supply closet. Then we met up with Onyx near the gym exit. "If you're coming over tomorrow why don't you spend the night with us. I'm sure her father won't mind." Onyx said with furrowed brows. "No, I think it's best if I show up on my own. Ember already gave me her address." Johnny replied. I understood why he didn't wanna spend the night, and that's because my dad didn't know he and I were in a relationship. He wanted it to seem like we were just friends, and he was being a responsible adult. "Oh, okay. Well... we'll see you tomorrow then." Onyx said with furrowed brows. "Yeah, I'll see you two tomorrow. Have a safe drive home." He said. After we said our goodbyes Onyx and I walked out to the parking where my car was. Even though Johnny and I couldn't cuddle or kiss each other tomorrow, I was still excited to see him again.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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