Chapter Ten | Missing Sketchbook

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Ember's POV:

Halloween was drawing nearer and the energy at college seemed to rise. Not everyone was as excited about Halloween as I was. Most of them were just anticipating the costume dance along with all the frat parties that were going to be taking place that weekend. Our professors however, weren't cutting us any slack when it came to homework. "This is getting ridiculous! Do they think we don't have other classes to think about?" Onyx said with with angrily furrowed brows. "Apparently not." I replied and he let out a snort of laughter. "Hopefully some of them will let us off on Halloween weekend. I really don't feel like studying and stuff while everyone else is out going to parties." He said as he ran a hand through his blond hair. "I know what you mean." I replied, even though parties weren't really in my my mind. My dad and I usually just hand out candy to the trick or treaters and watch horror movies. Since I had finished my homework, I decided to just draw a little for fun. As I looked through my backpack I realized that my private sketchbook wasn't there, so I looked through the second compartment. Still... it wasn't there. "Shit." I whispered under my breath, but Onyx still heard me. "What's wrong?" He asked me curiously with concern in his voice. "I can't find my personal sketchbook." I replied. I was starting to have a mini panic attack. "You probably just left it at home." He suggested. "No, I always have it with me. Always." I said, running a hand through my hair. A moment of silence passed between us before I spoke up again. "Shit, what if I accidentally left it in a classroom and someone throws it away? Or what of someone looks through it. Oh GOD! WHAT IF SOMEONE LOOKS THROUGH IT!?!?!?!" I said feeling am overwhelming amount of anxiety and worry. "It'll be good is someone finds it though, then they'll give it back to you." He said, still not understanding why I was making a big deal out of a missing sketchbook. "They'll probably use it as blackmail. I have countless sketches and drawings of Mr. Depp in that book." I said, running a hand down my face in shame. 'At least none of the drawings are sexual or inappropriate.' I said inside of my head. If they were I'd have to leave the country or something. "I know it's probably scary as hell to think this way, but.... it's better off if Mr. Depp finds it then. That way no student can blackmail you. You won't have any other professors interrogating you over the drawings either." He said, and I agreed. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. If Mr. Depp found my personal sketchbook then I'd have less problems to deal with, but the idea terrified me. 'How was he going to react when he saw my drawings of him? Would he realise that I have feelings for him then? Would he still wanna be friends?' I had so many questions in my head that weren't going to be answered. At least they weren't going to be answered until he found the book and looked at the pictures. Onyx tried calming me down, and it helped a little. At least it was Thursday; we had the weekend off, but I still had Mr. Depp's creative writing class to go to. "What do you usually do for Halloween?" He asked just distract me from my worried thoughts. I told him that my dad and I usually hand out candy plus watching movies. "If my mom is here during Halloween we throw a party. The guests mostly consists of her co-workers, so it's kinda boring for me. It's sad to say it but I like it when my mom isn't here during October." I said feeling kinda guilty. I love my mother, but she's way too caught up into her work sometimes. It's like she loves it more than she loved us, not to mention the feeling I get when she's away. For some reason I feel like she might be living a double life with another family, but maybe that's because I watch too much tv. "It's okay, I get it. I'm guessing your dad is more laidback than your mother?" He said in a questioning tone. "Oh yeah! He's way more laidback than my mom." I replied as I continued to help him with his psychology homework. Before I left to go to my creative writing class, I asked if he wanted to hangout Halloween weekend and he said yes. "It'll be better than sticking around campus. They trouble makers will end up sneaking in alcohol and who knows the kinds of drugs they'll sneak into the parties." He said as we gathered out things. "Okay, I'll let my dad know you're coming." I said with a smile. We walked out of the study room and into the main library. He checked out of the room while we said our goodbyes. 'I can't wait for Halloween!!" I thought excitedly inside of my head as I went to my last class of the day. When I entered the classroom I wasn't surprised that I was the first one there. After I took my seat I logged into my computer. Then I took my recent short story out of my folder since I printed it off. Today we had to hand them in to be graded, and I doubted that many people remembered. 'He'll probably have to have half of the class go to the library so they could print off their stories.' I thought inside of my head. I spotted Mr. Depp walk into the classroom and when he saw me a small smile spread across his handsome face. "Ember, we need to talk." He said, and my stomach filed with anxiety. He sat his briefcase down on his desk before walking towards me. To my surprise he pulled out a chair next to me before sitting a familiar black book down on the table in front of us. "You left this in the poetry classroom yesterday." He said. "Thank god! I was wondering where I left it." I said with a shy and awkward laugh. "Maybe you should keep a better track of where you leave it. If anyone looked through your drawings they'd ask questions or use this to blackmail you." He said as he picked up the sketchbook and opened it to a random page. "Oh... you... you looked through my drawings?" I asked, feeling myself blush. The anxiety that was stewing inside of my stomach suddenly bubbled. "You're an amazing artist, Ember. But... why am I the subject matter of your sketches? I can't be that interesting." He said with an attractive little smirk on his face. The way his big, chocolate brown eyes sparkled made my insides squirm. "You're... I can't believe I'm going to say this, but... you're a handsome man John- I mean Mr. Depp. And... and... and... you mean a lot to me. You're a great friend." I said feeling stupider with every second. He let out a shy little laugh as he ran a hand through his fluffy looking hair. "This one's my favorite, even though I like every single drawing in this book." He said as he turned the book towards me so I could see. In front of my was a little drawing of him and I hugging each other. A moment of comfortable silence passed between us before he closed the sketchbook and handed it to me. I took it as he started standing up, and what he did next shocked me. "You're a beautiful girl, Ember." He whispered in a deep, raspy voice that sent shivers through my body. The feeling of his warm breath on my skin gave me goosebumps. But what really sent me reeling was the soft little kiss he left on my cheek before going back to his desk. 'FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!' I thought inside of my head. I turned my attention to my computer screen as students started walking into the room. My heart was pounding in my chest, but I pretended like everything was fine. I pretended that I wasn't feeling as if I was about to have a heart attack or something. He took roll call before collecting our short stories. I was right when I figured most of the class hadn't even printed off their writing. Hell, some of them probably didn't even finish the assignment. "For those who have turned their assignments in, please get started on our new project. The instructions are written on the chalkboard." Mr. Depp said as he took the others to the library. Apparently he didn't think all of them just forgot to print their stuff off either. I read the chalkboard and seen that we were going to be writing a new short story based on mystery or horror. We were allowed to chose one of the topics or we could integrate both into one story. Deep down I was so excited, especially since mystery is my favorite genre. I decided to listen to some music as I write like I usually do. Eventually Mr. Depp came back with the other students and he looked mad. I paused my music but pretend that I was focused on my writing. "I can't believe that most of you didn't even start the assignment. I even sent out an email letting everyone know when the short stories were due." He said in an angry sounding tone as he ran a hand the his soft and curly looking hair. Even though he seemed mad he wasn't yelling. A long moment of uncomfortable silence filled the room before. He spoke up again. "Those of you who completed the assignment and printed it off today, you'll get credit. However.... those of you who didn't even bother starting it will not." He said, letting out a deep sigh. A few minutes went by before I started listening to music again and really focusing on my writing. My fingers started cramping a bit from typing away on the keyboard, so I stopped to crack my fingers before continuing. As the class went on I looked up and noticed the others were leaving the classroom. 'Why does my classes with Mr. Depp always seem to move along quicker than the others?' I asked inside of my head as I got ready to leave. Like always, I spend a few extra minutes just to make sure everyone was gone. "Hey, um... I'm sorry if I scared you. I didn't mean to get mad at the others, but I couldn't help it." Mr. Depp said as he walked towards me. "It's okay, I understand. They should have done their homework instead of trying to do it in the library during class." I said and he let out a nervous laugh as he ran a hand through his hair. "I know this might not be the best time, but... I was wondering if you'd like to spend some time together this weekend. The carnival is town, and I figured you'd like to go with me." He said with that gorgeous sparkle in his hypnotic chocolate brown eyes. Unlike most towns, we have our carnivals in the fall time. It's mostly because we have a local fair during the summer months; I've always preferred going to the carnival over the local fair anyway. It's cooler during the fall time and there aren't as many tourists to deal with. A carnival is more like a freak show any way, so it fits perfect for it being around so close to Halloween. "Of course, I'd love to go to the carnival with you." I replied with a smile. I felt my heart skip a couple of beats and butterflies filled my stomach. The idea of spending quality time with him just made me feel so happy. Not to mention the possibly of getting to cuddle with him made my insides melt. "Great! Come here." He said, saying the last part softly as he opened his arms to me. We pulled each other in a perfectly cozy hug. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in his heavenly scent. 'I love you so much Johnny! I just wish I could show you how I feel.' I said inside of my head as we slowly broke the hug. "I'll see you Saturday then." He said with a smile on his handsome face. "See you Saturday." I replied with a smile as well. I was glad he wanted to go see the carnival on Saturday, because Onyx and I were going to go tomorrow. Tomorrow is Friday after all, and the Carnival just came into town on Wednesday. After Johnny and I said our goodbyes I went to the library. Once again, Onyx was going to be staying over; I had to wait until he got out of his last class. I had a feeling that this weekend was going to be great!! Especially since I'd get to be with the ones I love the most.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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