Chapter 22

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Sorry. This took a bit longer to finish than expected. It's sort of difficult to write a narrative with a crazy character with her point of view and still keeping you from being confused as to what's happening to her. Besides that, I've got so much to do and I didn't have much time to write.

Don't forget to vote and comment! I'll try to upload another one very soon.


Six alive. Six alive. Knots. Making knots. I skip one. No. Now I have to go back and untie it all. Nice and tight. Nice and tight. There. That looks better.

I don’t know how much time has elapsed. Time is relative. I don’t care anymore. I have been in this cave. My appetite diminishes the longer I am in the darkness. I have not seen anything here, but I see vines coming in from the ceilings sometimes.

I grab the vines. I make nets. Nets. Nice and tight.

There have been two parachutes so far, and they both have broth and bread. Why are they giving me presents? That’s nice. Blood on my knuckles.

I run again and find a new hiding place.

The blood is still there. I scream. I cry. My hands go for my ears, trying to drown out the ringing and the screaming. It’s not stopping. There is more blood. I can see Danny. No more Danny.

Vines. Go back to vines. Nice and tight. That’s coming along nicely.

Oh, but I hear a cannon. Is it me?

I look at the blood on my clothes. Too much. Too much. The broth and bread is coming up. I run toward the end of the cave and vomit the rest of the food.

No more hunger. I don’t know if I am still hungry. Five alive.

What is happening?

Nice and tight. Knots. I like knots. Shell bracelet. Who gave this again? It starts with an S. Oh yes, Serena. District 4. Come home. Nice and tight.

Danny. Dead Danny. I don’t like it. I feel something cold drip down my back. I flinch and look up, expecting more red. Red blood. No more. I don’t like it.

The sword still had blood. The cold isn’t blood.

It is transparent.

I have walked into a part of the cave where water from the rain can travel in. My tongue feels dry. I open my mouth and let the dripping go into it. It tastes nice and cold. More. More.

A sound. There is a loud sound. I cover my head, and prepare for something to leap at me. There is nothing. It is just a voice.

“We invite all the remaining tributes to a feast. All the vital objects that you are in need of will be at the Cornucopia at sundown.”

Silence. I don’t know where that voice came from. It sounds familiar though. Do I know him? Maybe he knows me? Can he see me? I don’t need anything. I have my broth and bread, Knots. I have my knots.

What time is it? Sundown. Sundown? I don’t know. I have not seen the sun in a while. It is all darkness.

What is that sound? I run. No. No. It’s after me! No more! I don’t like it! I don’t want to be here anymore! Get me out!

The screaming starts again. I don’t know where it is coming from. The net. The net. Knots. Nice and tight. Keep going, Annie. Keep going.

The light seems brighter there. Where does that light lead? It’s orange. I like it. It’s bright and warm. Maybe that is the color of sundown. But the feast! There will be other tributes. No. They will kill me.

Danny. Blood and stains. My head hurts. The orange light looks nice.

Maybe I should go there. Oh no. I drop my net. No. I pick it up. That’s nice. I’ll keep working on it while walking to the light. The light looks nice.

There are more vines. I pull on it. Insects rain down. More screaming. I shake and shrug off the black insects on me. I feel bites on my skin. I feel them swelling. I start scratching. Tight. Nice and tight. Knots. More knots. Keep knotting. Distractions are good.

The sword is tied at my belt. It is shiny, and I keep it because it is shiny.

There is something wet coming from my eyes. I touch them. I taste them. It is salty. Tears. Why am I crying? I’m alone here. Nothing is happening. Lonely.

I miss Danny. No more Danny.

Tears. More. When is this going to stop? Pain. Emptiness. I’m scared. There are sounds everywhere. Everyone is watching me, and I am still alone. All alone. No one is here.

No more. Go to the light. It’s starting to fade, but I can still see it.

The light is the sun, and I can see that the cave has led downward. The dam is not far in the distance. I can hear sounds behind me. I don’t want to leave the cave, but I might get attacked.

Slowly, I go. I go and hold the sword. I feel like it is going through my skin. It’s dirty. I don’t like that it has killed people. I don’t like it here anymore.

Knots would have to wait for later.

How long have I been in that cave? I don’t remember my meals. It feels like days, maybe even weeks. I don’t know anymore. I have been wandering around. Running. Making nets. Pulling vines. I don’t know.

The arena seems to have changed. The forest near the river and dam seems to have caught fire. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near there. The only place to go is down. We’re all going down.

I don’t like it. My hand is on the hilt of the sword, and my hold is tighter. I am aware of the air around me. The sun seems to bring my to my senses, but only for a little bit. More flashes of blood enter my head, and I try to shake it away.

I hear mumbling. Maybe it is coming from me.

At least the screaming has stopped.

The smoke from the fire is high. I can only see it from where I am standing. I cannot smell it. The sun is nearly down.

There is still light.

I didn’t realize that I am so close to the Cornucopia. I didn’t plan on going anywhere. The cave seems to have brought me closer there. Is it only coincidental?

I hear a loud explosion. It isn’t from a cannon either.

The Hunger Games: Annie CrestaWhere stories live. Discover now