chapter 25

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we got married a couple days later. the reception was the best.

I sat at the table, watching clementine talk to people, when her cousin melany came up to me.

"so, are you happy now?"

"of course I am."

"what did I tell you?"

"did you tell her to marry me or something?"

"nope. all on her own."

"you were right. she did come around."

"she realized it."

"yeah. thanks."

"its whatever. welcome to the family loser."


and she walked away. and then my wife came and sat down next to me. she intertwined her hand with mine, and we just sat there.

later that day after everybody left. me & clem & the guys went back to the house.

we just sat there, like old times.

"so, mr. and mrs. hood, how are you guys feeling?"

"old. I can't believe im married. and who i'm married to."

"you're married to your bestfriend. thats the best person you could marry."


"so, luke, why did you stop the wedding?"

"because. I couldn't see calum like that."

"like what?"

"he was going to hate himself for the rest of his life because he didnt tell you he was in love with you since the moment he saw you."

"what? why didn't you tell me?"

"because you friendzoned me. you didn't wanna be any thing more than friends."

"i'm-i'm sorry, babe."

"its okay. you're mine now. that's all that matters, really."


later that night, we went to bed. except, before we went upstairs to go to sleep, luke stopped me.

"the best man won, right?"

"yes he did."


"thanks. oh wait, luke?"


"thanks for doing that."

"no problem."

so me and clementine ended the day, by going to sleep.

i'm married to clementine rogers. wow.

(a/n: sorry this is a short chapter, didn't get any good ideas. this isn't the end btw.)

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