Crystal Venom

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I know this took a while, but here it is

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I know this took a while, but here it is. Also, yesterday was Lance's birthday, so Happy Late Birthday, Sharp-Shooter


Your POV


Kelli instantly fit in with everyone, especially Pidge. I'll say, those two are pretty close and it's almost like Keith and I. Speaking of Keith and I, after what happened yesterday, we relaxed in the training room, just enjoying each other's company. It was wonderful to relax with him. It was almost like I was...normal.

Right now, I'm trying to talk Keith into letting me train, but he's not having it.

"You need to rest," Keith says.

"But, Keiff!" I complain, pouting. "I'm so BORED!"

He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Keith, (y/n), please head to the detainment room," Coran says over the intercom and I grab Keith's hand, dragging him there as I bounce around.

Once there, I see Pidge and Kelli watching Coran hook up devices as they stood close together.

Hmm... I wonder...

"Okay, guys, Sendak's almost all hooked up," Coran cuts off my train of thought. "But, look, I have to warn you, this technology was used to keep Altean memories alive, not to interrogate prisoners."

"Coran, we understand this isn't what the technology is meant for, but if we can extract Sendak's memories, we may gain valuable intelligence on Zarkon's troop locations," Shiro says.

"Something stupid out of Lance's mouth in 3, 2, 1," I mutter, loud enough for Keith to hear me.

"Yeah, and then we can just be like, "knock-knock" "Who's there?" "The avenging fury of Voltron son!"" Lance exclaims and I give Keith a "SEE!?" look.

"Fascinating," Pidge says. "So, how exactly does this work?"

"As the memories are extracted, they're written bit by bit on individual molecules of the micro-storage strands," Coran says.

"When I go, I want all the stuff in my brain stored in a giant ship," Lance says and I scoff quietly.

"the amount of information in your brain could be stored in a paper airplane," Keith says and I giggle quietly.

"N-Now, Keith," I say, fighting my giggles and the two turn to me. "You're giving him too much credit!"

I burst out laughing and Keith gives me a small smile as Lance gets an angry look on his face.

"Oh, yeah?" Lance asks. "Well, the amount of information you two have could be..."

"Yeah?" Keith asks, glaring at him slightly.

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