Return To The Balmera

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Your POV

We we're almost to the Balmera. We were trying to come up with a plan.

"So, what's the plan?" Lance asks. "We go in there and just -- pow, pow, pow! And free the prisoners?"

What in the name of Voltron is he doing? Is he trying to start an argument?

"What was that noise?" Keith asks.

"Laser guns," Lance says.

"No, Lance, I think you mean -- bhgow, bhgow, bhgow, bhgow!" Hunk says.

Okay, that wasn't half bad.

"That sounds like fireworks," Lance says.

"Technically, they're more like -- ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!" Pidge says.

"Okay, enough with the bad sound effects," Shiro says. Wait for it. "Besides, it's more like -- blam, blam, blam!"

I shake my head.

"I thought you were above that Shiro," I say. "And besides, we can't just shoot at the Galra."

"(Y/n)'s right," Hunk says. "This Balmera, it's, like, alive. And from what we've seen, it doesn't look very good."

"Yes, it's an atrocity what the Galra have been doing to this grand beast," Coran says. "Stealing its crystals, its very life force, without ever preforming the energy rejuvenation ceremonies to heal it."

"After seeing Shay's people enslaved, it made me realize how bad Zarkon really is," Hunk says. "And we're the only ones who can stop him."

"Okay, so we can't go into the tunnels guns blazing," Shiro says, turning around to face the rest of us. "Plan B. We figure out how to draw the Galra up to the surface and battle them out there."

"Wait, I know," Hunk says. "If we attack all of this big mining stuff on the surface, the Galra troops will have to come out to defend it. Then we beat them up, head down to the tunnels, Voltron saves the day."

"But how will we know how many are left down in the tunnels?" Keith asks.

"We can track the Galra and the Balmerans using Biothermal Life Indicator Point Technology," Allura says and a light blue oval appears in front of her.

"Oh, BLIP tech!" Pidge exclaims. "It's an acronym."

"One of you will need fly around the Balmera and drop sensors into the shafts on each side," Allura says, ignoring Pidge's last statement. "Then, we'll be able to see where the Galra and the Balmerans are. There are already sensors built into your suits."

"I can do it," Pidge says. "I just modified the Green Lion with the invisible maze's cloaking ability. I should be able to fly around unnoticed."

"That's their main power generator," Coran says as an image of it appears. "If you take that down, it will severely weaken their defenses."

"We'll stay in cloud cover and give tactical support," Allura says. "With the Castle's defenses weakened from Sendak's crystal, we won't be of much help to you."

"I'll take out the power generator," Shiro says. "Keith, Lance, Hunk, you take out these mining rigs around the area."

"Yeah!" Hunk exclaims. "Okay, let's do this! Let's go kick some alien butt!"

As we got closer, I kept feeling my energy weaken. I was riding with Hunk this time.

"You think the Balmerans will have a parade for us after we've freed everybody?" Lance asks through the comms.

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