Chapter 35

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''Iris!'' I heard a voice, which my mind connected to Jeffrey. ''Iris please wake up, don't do this to me'' I heard the same voice continue speaking at the same time as I felt hands on my face. Jeffrey shook my body slowly and I could feel every single muscle hurt. I had to open my eyes, but it felt so difficult, my eyelids feeling so heavy. My head hurt intensely and there was a high pitched sound in my ears, like the one you get after hearing something explode next to your ear, but much, much more intensified. 

Trying to remember what had happened, images of the bus getting closer to our car kept replaying in my head and that's when I realized...we had been in a car accident. I could feel my heart beat fast and although it hurt like hell, I immediately opened my eyes  to see if Jeffrey was alright. 

''Jeffrey'' I tried to say as I saw a blurred face in front of me. ''Jeffrey'' I repeated. I tried to stay calm, panic wouldn't help in any situation. 

''I'm right here, I'm here'' I heard his voice clearer this time and I sighed relieved that it was him talking to me all the time. My vision was so blurry but I had to make sure he wasn't hurt in any way, so I started touching his face. 

''Are you...are you ok? Are you hurt?'' I asked as I felt a wet spot at his eyebrow. He was definitely bleeding. I had to check it out, he had to be alright. Trying to sit up better, I blinked quickly many times to get better vision, and I looked at Jeffrey. He was looking at me, eyes worried, brows furrowed, breath heavy; he was still holding my face with his hands.  

''I'm fine. Does it hurt anywhere? Please tell me'' he asked me and we were just worried about each other, not caring about ourselves. 

''No'' I didn't want to say that my whole body hurt because I'm sure his did too, from the collision. Otherwise I didn't feel like I was hurt or bleeding anywhere so it was unnecessary to mention anything else. ''You are bleeding'' I said as I touched his temple. 

''It's nothing'' he placed his forehead against mine and sighed relieved. ''Let's get outta here'' he said as he looked around to see how we could get out. It looked like the bus sent our car far into a corner of a building, because my side of the car was distorted by that corner. I realized that if the collision was even harder, that corner could have ended my life. 

By now, the firefighters at the place were trying to open the door on Jeffrey's side, them pulling from outside as he pushed from inside. It was locked and hard to open, so they decided to break the window. Jeffrey covered me with his body to protect me from the glass pieces flying around and I wanted to do the same with him. He was my protective angel. 

''We'll have to get out through the window, you think you can do that?'' he asked me as he moved hair away from my face to see my eyes. I nodded my head; I just wanted to get out of there, didn't matter what way. 

All around I could hear police and firetruck sirens, and lots of people's voices. Fuck, I didn't want to deal with anything, I just wanted to go lay in bed and know that Jeffrey was alright. I hoped with all I had that he didn't tell me that he wasn't hurt just to keep me calm. 

At the hospital I could finally lay down and got painkillers. Jeffrey was only bleeding at his eyebrow; the doctor said it was nothing serious and it only needed two stitches. His cheek was bruised too, but it was nothing more than a red, big bruise. I couldn't believe that we had just been in a car accident. Half of me was still in shock, couldn't really realize that it really happened. Half of me knew that we could have died and was utterly, completely thankful for me and Jeffrey still being alive. 

I had to call my parents to let them know that we were alright and that there was no need for them to fly over to San Diego. It took me a while to convince them, because they were packed and ready to come whenever, no matter our condition. I loved them so much and I was grateful for having them. 

Half an hour later the doors to our hospital room opened and Norman, Greg Nicotero and Andrew appeared in sight. 

''Holy shit you scared the fuck out of us'' Norman said as he came to hug us gently. 

''Sorry'' I joked. I was so thankful for these people and for getting to become friends with them. 

''Thanks for coming'' Jeffrey smiled at them. They were going to take us to the hotel since we didn't need to stay at the hospital overnight. 

''How are you feeling?'' Greg asked and then he hugged us too. Jeffrey went on telling him how the accident happened. 

''Are you in pain, darling?'' Andrew asked me as he hugged me tight. Wow, what a hug. 

''I was before. I'm thankful for medicine'' I smiled at him as he looked at me kindly. He was a very charming man, I must say. 

''Get a room you two, ew'' Jeffrey exclaimed jokingly as he looked at Andrew and me. 

''Stop it'' I shook my head as I laughed. He was cute as fuck, joking and all after what had happened. Also, I was so glad that he had gotten over what had happened some time ago, when he thought that Andrew and I...well, had something going on. Silly fool. 

''Let's get you out of here'' Norman offered as he held the door for us to leave. We had some last words with the doctors before leaving the hospital and heading to the hotel. Jeffrey had decided that he would cancel his last two interviews to take it easy after the accident. At the doctor's recommendations, we should take the plane back home two-three days after today so that our bodies could have time to relax. 

Once again, I was thankful we were alive and well. 

I'm so sorry if this chapter isn't very good. I'm also sorry if you wanted it to be more dramatic, but I couldn't get myself to let Jeffrey or Iris die or have something worse happen to them. 


On Cloud Nine ✧Jeffrey Dean MorganTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon