Chapter 12

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''Any handsome men at work?'' my mom asked, wiggling her eyebrows as she placed the turkey in the oven. It was Christmas day and I was at my parents' house. Jeffrey and I decided that we would get together later in the day to spend Christmas with each other, after the both of us have seen our families.

''No, but there is someone I've met. Not from work though'' I responded while placing plates on the table. Mom looked at me excitedly and waited for me to continue. ''His name is Jeffrey and he is very sweet''. I was always honest with my parents, not minding sharing such stuff with them because they were my best friends.

''Oh, honey, that sounds nice. Tell me more'' she was now sitting and looking at me as if I was about to tell a whole novel. ''How did you meet? What does he do?''. My dad had entered the room meanwhile. 

''We actually met through his dog, Bandit'' I proceeded to tell her the whole story about how Jeffrey and I met. ''He is an actor, a very talented one at that'' I continued, a wide smile playing on my face. I told her about the movies and series he was in, but they didn't really know who he was. They used to watch a lot of movies together, but never remembered any of the actors. Besides Gerard Butler; my mom would always remember him. 

''That's so nice, Iris darling. Why didn't you bring him with you today?''. 

''He had to go to meet his family and I-'' my phone started ringing. ''Oh it's Jeffrey, hold on'' I said while I left the room to talk on the phone.  

''Hey, love'' Jeffrey said after I answered. ''I'm almost done here, how's it going for you?''. 

''Really? We are only waiting for the food to be done'' I replied, stomach growling at the thought of all the food I was about to feed it. 

 ''Tell him to come over, hun'' my mom yelled from the other side of the house. 

''Was that your mom?'' I didn't expect him to hear her. ''Does she really want me to come over?''. 

''Yeah, told her about you today. She already wants to meet you and all''. 

''Well, do you want me to?'' he asked and I stayed silent. There was a long pause before he spoke again. ''Iris?''. 

''I just...Isn't it rushed? Shouldn't we do it when we know where this is going?'' I was biting on my nails nervously, listening to his breathing. 

''You don't believe in us?'' his voice was now quieter. ''I thought this, us, was going into the right direction. What we have is very serious to me, Iris. Isn't it to you too?'' fuck, he sounded hurt.

''Don't say that, Jeffrey. Of course I believe in us'' I shouldn't have said anything. I didn't want to say or do anything to hurt him. 

''I won't come if you don't want me to'' he said. ''We'll see each other later anyway''. 

''No, hey! Fuck it. Just come, alright?'' maybe I shouldn't worry so much about everything all the time. 

''Alright, I'll probably be there after you've eaten, it's a 40 minute ride. Plus, I gotta stop get something. I'll see you soon'' we hung up and I went back to the dining table to sit next to my mom.  

''So, Jeffrey is coming too'' I announced and mom clapped her hands happily as my dad smiled at me. ''But I want to tell you something before'' I was starting to get nervous. ''There's one aspect, I don't know how you'll feel about it''. 

''Oh no, Iris, is he married or something like that?'' mom asked and I laughed as I shook my head. 

''He is, uhm...Well, he is much older than me'' I confessed. 

''Like what, 7-8 years older? So what?'' my father replied and I looked at him unable to imagine his facial expression when I'd tell him that the difference was much bigger. 

''Dad, he is 52'' it felt like a really heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders. To me, it didn't matter that Jeffrey was 52 and I was 23. That was the last thing I thought about, I didn't care one bit. But I wanted to let my parents know about it before they saw it themselves.

My parents looked at me long before they looked at each other and then back at me. 

''Wow'' they both said at the same time, as if they had planned it. 

''Alright, that's not something that bad now, is it?'' my mom said as she put her hand on mine. 

''I don't think age is important as long as we make each other happy and I don't care about anything else when I am with him'' I said honestly. 

Mom nodded her head. ''You're our only child and our whole world. We want you to be happy and as long as Jeffrey makes you happy, honey, then we have nothing to say against it. You decide what you want to do with your life, we'll just support you in everything because we love you'' she continued and I thought I would cry right then and there. 

''My dear, if you like him then we like him. I'll be fine with whatever as long as he doesn't make you cry or hurt you'' dad added. I loved those two people; they meant everything to me and I was so grateful to have such understanding and supporting parents. I wouldn't change anything for the world. 

''I love you so much'' I said. 

''We love you too, darling''. 

It only took a knock at the door for me to jump off the chair, knowing it was Jeffrey. 

''I'll get it'' mom said as she ran to the door, me following her and stopping a few steps behind. My heart was pumping out of my chest because I was about to see the man I was in love with; it was like a high school crush, but much, much stronger. 

''You must be Jeffrey'' my mom smiled and opened the door largely for him to come in. 

''And you must be Mrs. Alton, the one I've heard so many nice things about'' Jeffrey smiled as he took a quick look at me. 

''Please call me Elizabeth'' she told him and made way for him to come in

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''Please call me Elizabeth'' she told him and made way for him to come in. Jeffrey approached me, kissed my cheek and whispered ''You look beautiful'' before turning back to my mom to give her the expensive bottle of wine that he had bought. He then proceeded to shake hands with my dad. 

I served wine and mom's delicious cake and did my best to make Jeffrey feel at home; and he did. He looked comfortable and he seemed to enjoy chatting with my parents. At first, I thought there would be awkwardness but no, there was nothing close to it. I smiled to myself, I couldn't complain at all. 

''Just a few words'' I stood up and raised my glass of wine. ''I am really thankful that I get to spend Christmas with the people I care most about in this world. It means the world to me to see you, mom and dad, happy and content, and I feel so fulfilled seeing the man I have come to be so crazy in love with here with us. Merry Christmas!''. 

''Merry Christmas, darling'' my parents replied as they held each other's hands.  

''Merry Christmas, love'' Jeffrey raised his glass and smiled at me with the most charming smile, the one that weakened my knees. The one that made my heart pump fast and my eyes turn to hearts. 

On Cloud Nine ✧Jeffrey Dean MorganWhere stories live. Discover now