Chapter 2

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I got back home and I saved his number. I freaking saved his phone number and now I had a ''Jeffrey'' on my contact list. The Jeffrey. I still had the same huge grin from earlier stuck on my face. Steadying my phone carefully against a bottle of wine on the counter, I quickly FaceTimed Alice, my best friend back in Sweden. My only best friend for that matter. I went to university in Sweden, since the system was much better than in the US.

''You're lucky I'm a night owl'' she said as soon as she answered. Time difference was a real pain in the ass for us.

''Well hello to you too'' I rolled my eyes and laughed. ''Guess what the fuck happened to me today. I can't even believe it myself to be honest'' I continued as I started to cut a bell pepper in small pieces. I loved FaceTiming with Alice while we both did our stuff.

''You met Slash'' she said sure of herself; it made me laugh out loud.

''Man, I wish, but it might happen on Friday'' I answered hopefully. Three days from now I'd be seeing my idol live. Slash. I'm gonna have Slash himself in front of me on Friday.

''True, but what happened today then?''

''I fucking met Jeffrey Dean Morgan'' it took me one millisecond to just think about the moment I saw that tall, bearded, biker man and my legs simply turned to jelly once again.

''Oh man I thought you said you fucked him'' she said jokingly. I wish. ''Holy shit you really did? Like the one and only? The Negan you always talk about?''

''Yes, Alice, yes. That one'' I responded and then I told her the whole story and every single little detail of what he looked like. I almost even forgot to finish preparing my food.

''Hey wait, did you find anyone to go to the gig with?'' Alice asked as I was about to hang up. That's right, I almost forgot about that. I had two tickets won in a radio contest, but no one to go with. Not that it would make any difference, I'd still be going. There was no chance in this world I was not going to see my childhood hero for the first time and on my birthday.

''I'll just make a post on Instagram and see if there's anyone interested. Hopefully no serial killer or something like that responds'' I joked.

I got on Instagram and the first photo on my timeline was one posted by Jeffrey, in which Bandit was kissing him.

I smiled and scrolled down a bit to see more and my heart beats went crazy immediately

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I smiled and scrolled down a bit to see more and my heart beats went crazy immediately.

''jeffreydeanmorgan It only took a squirrel for this little Bandit to get lost. Fortunately there's still good people out there in the world. A very kind girl found him and stood with him until I arrived. xojd ''

I read the description over and over again and I could feel my cheeks start to hurt from smiling so much. I liked the photo and it took me seventy years to decide if I should write a comment or not. It took me many texts back and forth with Alice, who kept telling me that I should definitely comment something. So I did.

''Glad I could help! Give Bandit some boops from me :)''.

I pressed 'post' and I threw my phone at the other side of the couch as I tried my best to distract myself. I ran to the kitchen and started washing the dishes as if it was my favorite thing to do. I was at my third plate when I heard the sound of a notification on my phone and I stood frozen. Why was I like that? It could be anything. He wouldn't reply to my comment, no chance for him to see it in the sea of other comments. I decided to finish washing the dishes, convinced that it was either my mother posting something to my Facebook page or a notification on Twitter.

I grabbed my phone only to drop it again.

'' jeffreydeanmorgan liked your comment: Glad I could help! Give Bandit some boops from me :)''

'' jeffreydeanmorgan started following you ''

Oh my god. What do I do? Wait, there's nothing to do. Why was I freaking out anyway? I shouldn't be freaking out.

I immediately went to my profile to see if it looked alright from a new follower's perspective. To me, it did look just fine. There were some gym pictures, because the booty I had worked so hard on was something I was proud of. There were pictures of Bella, my family dog, and of course there were some other selfies that I didn't mind.

I laid back on the couch and smiled. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was following me on Instagram.

Even as I worked out I remembered about it from time to time, which caused me to smile, making some ''tough beasts'' at the gym think I smiled at them. Wow, a stranger, a very handsome one, could make me smile so much by doing pretty much nothing. I was glad I was the one to find Bandit.

I got home around 9pm, ready for a shower and a good movie. I wanted to enjoy my last free week before starting my two new jobs. It made me nervous but so extremely excited.

After watching Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban for the millionth time, I decided to call it a night and go to bed. Just as I turned off the lights I saw my phone screen light up.

Jeffrey Hey Iris, it's Jeffrey. How about you give Bandit those boops yourself tomorrow? I'm forever grateful for you taking care of him and I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. Let me know. xojd

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