Chapter 3

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We texted back and forth a few times. He told me that he didn't know how to thank me so a way would be for Bandit and I to meet because we formed a bond. Yeah, I only met the good boy once, but those were Jeffrey's words and I surely didn't disagree. I love every dog I see on the street. 

I woke up and made coffee with the same smile on my face that I've had since yesterday. Maybe I was acting a bit silly but man, was I meeting Jeffrey Dean Morgan today to go for a walk with him and Bandit? Hell yes I was. 

To occupy myself  so the day could go faster, I went to the gym earlier than usual, planned stuff for next week and listened to the whole setlist for Slash's gig on Friday. Holy crap. I was seeing Slash in a few days! 

As I showered I planned my outfit in my head. Not that I was going on a date or somewhere fancy, but I had to be warm because I was going on a walk and I'm grumpy when I'm cold. In this case, though, I don't think I'd even care a bit about the cold because...well, Jeffrey. 

Before I left, I told myself I'd act normally. No fangirl behavior, no shaking, no looking at Jeffrey's beautiful face for too long unless I wanted to freak him out. I breathed in and out and left, heading towards the same place we met the other day, in front of Think café.

I arrived in time, but he was already there leaning against the stone wall. He was dressed in black from head to toe and I had to look somewhere else for a second to stop my heart from beating too fast; he looked so fucking good. In front of him was Bandit, sitting and looking at people passing by, his tongue out and the same happy expression on his face. Next to Bandit was another dog, a smaller one and I remembered her from Jeff's Instagram. Her name's Honey. I approached them and both dogs, especially Bandit who remembered me, started wiggling their tails in excitement.

''Hi'' I said excitedly as I squatted down to pet the two babies.

''Hello you'' Jeffrey replied as he looked down at me and smiled at mine and his dogs' interaction. He looked so good from down there, like he was a god or something. I slapped myself mentally because I couldn't stop thinking at how handsome he was. ''How are you?'' he asked, seeming genuinely interested in how I was doing.

''I'm great, how are you?''

''Fantastic. Glad Bandit's getting his dose of ''boops'' and love from his savior'' he answered, and I stood up as I smiled at Jeffrey. 

''I'm glad too, I don't know if I can go a day without petting a dog'' I joked, though it was kind of true. Dogs are life.

''Then I guess we'll have to meet every day so you can pet Bandit and Honey'' he said as he laughed a sweet laugh and I thought I misheard at first. Joke or not, it made my heart race out of my chest.

I fucking wish, I wanted to say, but instead I just laughed back.

We started heading towards a pretty park nearby and as we walked I told him about my five years of university in Sweden, how I studied to become a teacher there because it's free and the education system rocks. I told him how excited and nervous I was about starting to work next week as a literary editor for Time magazine and a teacher in English. 

''How will you manage to do both?'' he asked right after, making me excited that he was actually asking questions and being interested. 

''I only teach three days a week and the other two days I work for Time. I decided to do so because I want to see which one works best for me, though I am quite sure I know what it'll be''. 

''And that is?'' he smiled and something in his eyes told me he kind of knew the answer. 

''I'll definitely settle for the teacher position. Those five years of studies weren't in vain and I enjoy it a lot'' I replied. ''I'm doing the literary editor thing only for half a year and then I'll be a full time teacher. I just want something diverse at first''. 

He nodded and smiled but before he could say something Bandit barked, trying to get Jeffrey's attention. I only then realized that we had reached the park long time ago but I never noticed because of all the talking I'd been doing. 

Jeffrey let Bandit and Honey run free around the park as him and I sat on a bench. It was honestly too cold for me to just sit, but I tried to shake it off because I was sitting next to fucking Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I rubbed my hands together to get them a bit warmer but to no avail. 

''Hey, you cold?'' Jeffrey asked when he noticed my red, frozen fingers. 

''Always freezing'' I laughed as I looked at my bare hands. 

''Here, let me see'' he started checking all the pockets of his jacket until he took out a black bundle of something leathery. ''I think I have a pair of gloves in every jacket I own'' he laughed and I realized that it was one of the most pleasant sounds I've ever heard.  

The act was really nice and for some reason it made me blush. I reached to grab the gloves and our fingers touched for a brief second, leaving a burning sensation where they touched; just like they describe it in the freaking movies. I thanked him while I put them on and instantly felt much better. 

We talked a lot while the dogs played freely; we talked about his farm and his animals and I admired how passionate and proud he was about it. He told me how much he loved Norman Reedus as a brother, how close they were and he also talked about the cast of The Walking Dead at my request. I wanted to hear stories about them, about how they were. It warmed my heart to see him talk so nicely about them and I almost started fangirling at some point, when he told me how much he, Norman and Andrew hang out. 

We were now heading back, but I didn't want the day to end. ''Want us to walk you to your place?'' Jeffrey asked when we reached the café again. 

''I'd love that'' I said as I remembered to put on my confident smile, because why the heck not. Jeffrey looked at me longer than usual as I did so and for a second I wondered if I had food stuck between my teeth. 

''This is me'' I said as I pointed to the tall building in which I lived. ''Thanks for the nice walk and for letting me meet these babies'' I continued as I looked down at Bandit and Honey. ''If you look away right now, I might just steal them''. 

He laughed out loud. ''Not a freaking chance, honey'' he said shaking his head and I froze at his choice of that last word. ''I'm sure Honey and Bandit both enjoyed your presence. I know I did'' he continued with a smile on his face that turned my stomach into the house of some big ass butterflies. 

''So did I'' I said truthfully as I looked down at my feet, a wave of shyness taking over me unexpectedly

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''So did I'' I said truthfully as I looked down at my feet, a wave of shyness taking over me unexpectedly. 

''Alright, kids, say bye to Iris'' he said and it sounded so good when he said my name. Good god, give me strength. 

I squatted to reach the dogs better so I could pat them. ''You take care of your dad, I hope I'll see you again some day'' I told them as they looked at me with those innocent eyes. I stood up and started taking steps backwards towards the entrance of the building. ''See you around'' I waved. 

''I sure hope to see you around, Iris''. 

When I got home I realized I still had his gloves on and I smiled at that. Did it mean that I had to meet him again so he could get them back? 

After calming down and coming back to Earth, I posted a photo of my Slash tickets to Instagram: ''I won two tickets to Slash's gig at Prudential Center. I'm not selling the other ticket, it's free. If you want to join me so that I don't waste it, let me know''. 

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