Chapter 28

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It had been one month. One month since I hadn't seen or talked to him. I was now living with my parents until I'd find another apartment, since the last one was already sold. My parents were the most amazing people in the world, always trying to make me feel happy and forget about what Jeffrey had done.

He had called a lot, every single day. In the first week even Norman called and sent lots of texts, but I refused to open any of his or Jeffrey's texts. I didn't want to hear any stupid excuse, I just wanted to be done with it.

Although I was trying hard to get over it, to move on, the same scene kept playing in my head over and over again. It made me feel so vulnerable because I was so weak and sad every time I thought about it. How could Jeffrey do that? I thought he loved me, I thought I meant to him what he meant to me – the world.

I wanted to move on, to go travel by myself or with Katie and Alice. I wanted to take my life into my hands and do something to forget my heart was broken. I had even downloaded Tinder. No, I didn't want to find someone else, to have a new relationship. I had only met one guy from the app, and it only got to the making out point; he was bad. Or maybe it wasn't him, it was just me who was still so used to Jeffrey's lips and didn't find pleasure or beauty in anyone else but him. I thought I'd never fall in love again. How could I fall in love with someone else when I was still so in love with the man who broke me? Fuck.

A mess. I was a fucking mess mentally. I wondered what my students thought of me. Had they even realized Jeffrey and I were not together anymore? They must have, due to me barely showing any happiness anymore. 

Sighing and deciding I had to do something other than lay in bed, cry or plan lessons, I got up and put on my gym clothes. Since I hadn't gone to the gym in a long time, I decided to go back again and let it all out on the weights. After the gym, I took a long bath where I listened to music and finally went on Facebook after a long time.

I was almost ready to leave the page when I stumbled upon a live video of fucking Jeffrey and Norman. They were live answering fan questions and my heart dropped to my stomach. Taking a deep breath, I pressed play even though I knew it wasn't the right thing to do.

It was Jeffrey my eyes were fixated on. He had his sunglasses on, and his beard had grown quite long, it looked as if he never took care of it. He would smile now and then at some fan comments or at Norman's jokes. I wondered if he was happy or if he was faking it, as I did. I wondered if he thought about me the way I thought about him all the time. I wondered if he cried at night when it all felt lonely, when the emotions were the strongest, as I did.

Fuck, here come the tears. I locked my phone and tried to hold back the salty water in my eyes but to no avail. I thought I had gotten over it, at least a bit, but I never did. Never. So I went to sleep to stop myself from thinking about it. 

The next day, when I got home from work I saw a car I didn't recognize parked in front of my parents' house. 

''Honey, there's someone here to see you'' my mom told me when I got in. Okay? She knew who Katie was so I didn't think it was her. I didn't know many people so I couldn't think of who it could be. ''He's in the living room''. He

I entered the living room and froze. ''Norman?''. What was he doing here? 

''Hey Iris'' he stood up and hugged me. I hugged back, but I was taken by surprise and didn't really know what to do or say. 

''Hey. Why are you here? Are you alright?'' I asked confused. 

''I'm fine, hun, thanks. Please sit down and listen to everything I have to say before you leave'' he put his palms against each other as if he was praying. I nodded my head and took a seat in front of him. What was he going to tell me? Was he going to talk to me about Jeffrey? I was getting nervous. 

''I have to talk to you about that night'' I almost got up, but I promised him I wouldn't. ''Yes, I know you don't want to listen to anything about it, but please hear me out. The man didn't do anything, I swear on everything I've got. Here's how it went down'' he placed his elbows on his knees and got ready to tell me everything. ''I kept seeing that chick sit next to him or follow him everywhere and he noticed that and told me. He went to the bathroom and I followed after him, but she was faster and got to him before me. Out of nowhere, the bitch jumped on him and kissed him. That's when I saw you and I knew it was going to fuck everything up'' his voice and eyes were so genuine. 

''Please tell me you're not making this up'' I told him, my eyes getting teary already. 

''I would never lie about such things. I don't like cheating and no matter if it's my best friend or my mom, I won't tolerate it. I'd never lie about it. So Jeffrey then pushed her aside and was raging with anger. He was so furious I thought he was going to kill someone. He went looking for you everywhere, but he couldn't find you. He wanted to tell you about it so that someone else wouldn't get to you first and tell you lies, but you were gone. He almost called the police when he couldn't find you''. 

''Fuck'' I whispered. 

''I followed him to the farm and when he saw that you had gone, belongings and all, he broke down. He knew by then that you saw what had happened. He fucking simply broke down and it was heartbreaking to see my best mate like that. He kept telling me how you were gone, ''she's gone, she left me''. He has tried to call you so many times, to text you, but you never answered, so I had to come myself to tell you that he never did anything. He would never, he loves you more than his own life''. 

''You came on your own will or did he send you?'' at this point I was drowning myself in my own tears. 

''He has no idea about this. I just couldn't stand it anymore, man. He doesn't laugh anymore, he has no light in his eyes anymore. I swear he never cheated on you, it was the chick's fault and only hers'' he was desperate for me to believe him, I could see it in his eyes. Unlocking my phone, I decided to check all the texts Jeffrey had sent me. 

''Norman, oh my god'' I started sobbing, I was too weak. Jeffrey's texts kept begging me to answer, to come back, to let him explain. Two of them were with what actually had happened; it was obvious that he had taken time to explain well, every detail, because it was all written so well. I dropped my phone to the ground and felt like air had left my lungs. Norman got up and sat next to me, hugging me tight as he caressed my hair. He had always acted like a bigger brother. 

''Go get him back''. 

On Cloud Nine ✧Jeffrey Dean MorganTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang