Chapter 20

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I was drowning in student papers and exams, didn't know where my head was. April-May were the worst months, since everything was happening then. I could understand the students' complaints - been there done that, but it wasn't too easy for us teachers either. There were so many exams to grade in such a short time, so that was what I was doing 99% of my time; both at school when I didn't have classes and at home. The stress level was high. 

I had stopped thinking about that stupid article since Jeffrey reported them and made them delete the shit. Not to say about his rant on Twitter and Instagram about how shitty the media was. It was now a couple of days later and I had just simply stopped giving a shit about false stuff. If I knew the truth, then why let fake things get to me? 

I was starting to get a headache and I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted to get home to take a warm bath. The good thing was that it was Friday and that I only had two hours left of work. The bad thing, besides the headache, was that I was craving peanut butter...spoonfuls of peanut butter and I didn't have it. From then on it would had been better to simply carry a jar with me to calm my cravings down. 

I grabbed my phone to text the love of my life.

Me I can't wait to get home, I just want a stress-free weekend

I must had texted him during his break because he messaged me back almost immediately.

Jeffrey I think I know a way to help you get rid of that stress.

I looked at the selfie he sent and I just couldn't stop smiling

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I looked at the selfie he sent and I just couldn't stop smiling. He looked so good whatever he did; he could do whatever facial expression, wear anything, do anything and I'd still be in awe at his beauty.

Me Oh yeah? Sounds tempting as fuck. You look so good

I felt a bit crazy so I lifted my dress over my knees and quickly took a photo of my legs. I was at school, but I was alone so hey.

Jeffrey Yummm, baby girl, don't do that to me now that I'm not there

Me Haha go back to work now. Love you <3

Jeffrey Love you more <3 

After putting my phone down and seeing the pile of papers I had on my desk, I decided to stop messing around and correct as many as I could instead. I got so into it that I realized I had just worked an hour extra. Oh well, at least I got a lot of work done. 

All that was left between me and that long bath was grocery shopping. I got to the store and dialed Jeffrey's number. 

''Hey babe, I'm shopping for groceries, do you need anything in particular?'' I asked Jeffrey as I was getting a shopping cart. 

''No, love. I'm good'' he said. ''Actually wait. Can you please get some Reese's Puffs?''. 

''Sure. Anything else?'' I asked. 

''No babe, just bring yourself home, I miss you'' he dramatized it like hell, we hadn't seen each other since the morning. 

When I got home Jeffrey jumped in front of me and grabbed the bags, placing them on the kitchen table. 

''I need my Reese's Puffs so bad right now'' he said as he, at a super speed, took out the groceries that were in the way of his cereal and placed them carelessly wherever. I shook my head in amusement; what a kid. Cute as fuck. 

''Don't you wanna eat real food though? There's a lot of stuff left from yesterday's dinner'' I said as I started placing the stuff I got where it should be. 

''I don't know love. What are you gonna eat?'' he asked. 

''I honestly don't know, I'm simply craving peanut butter right now. That's just all I want'' I replied, making Jeffrey laugh at me. ''My head hurts like hell too''. 

''Well that's not real food either, baby girl'' he grabbed the already opened jar of peanut butter from the fridge, grabbed a spoon and handed it to me. ''I'll tell you what though. Let's run you a nice bubble bath and you just eat your peanut butter and relax, how about that?''. 

I smiled at the thought. ''Sounds really good'' I headed towards the bathroom, Jeffrey behind me. As I undressed, Jeffrey was nice enough to turn the water on for me. I grabbed my bathrobe, my peanut butter and my phone and entered the bathroom. Jeffrey was sitting at the edge of the bathtub checking the water temperature. 

''This is just perfect, you take your time in here baby girl'' he smiled at me and looked when I took my bathrobe off. I stepped into the bathtub and after receiving a sweet butt slap, I sat down. Finally, it felt so good. I never wanted to get out of there. 

''Jeff? There is another bag left in the car, there's some chicken breast in it, can you please put it in the fridge?'' I asked. 

''Sure'' he gave me a peck on the lips and before he closed the door, I thanked him for being so good to me. 

Playing some Ed Sheeran on my phone, I grabbed the peanut butter and took a big spoonful of calories and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. Not more than five minutes had passed when the door to the bathroom opened again. 

''Iris, what is this?'' he said, holding a box on which ''Clearblue Pregnancy Test'' was written. His eyes were wide, his hand a bit shaky. ''Are you pregnant?''. 

I looked at the box and then at him and sighed. ''I'm one week late. I'm paranoid so I thought I'd take a test to make sure. I'll have to do it in the morning though, that's when it's most legit''. 

Jeff sat on the floor next to the bathtub. ''Baby girl, for real? So there's a chance we're gonna have a baby, you and me?''. 

My heart was starting to beat fast at the thought. ''Let's talk about it'' I proposed and he nodded his head. ''I am not ready. At all. A child is not in my plan, that is not my goal with life at this point. I don't want kids right now and I don't know when I'll want that''. 

''Is it me?'' he asked. No, never. 

''Of course not, love. I want to travel the world first, I don't want to hurry starting a family when I know I want to do something else before that. I want to see the world with you'' I looked into his eyes as I confessed all that. ''It's been this late before and I've been as paranoid before. This is my first time taking a test, but I just want to make sure. I don't think I am pregnant, but it'll be good to get rid of the stress thinking about it''. I was on the pill, so I didn't worry 100%, but I was still worried. ''And if I am...I don't know''. 

''I'll be here, no matter what. It's your choice. I understand everything, I do. It's good to know what you want in life, to prioritize'' he said. I almost teared up, he was so good, too good. ''I want to have children with you, I know that. I want that so much, but for now, we'll wait. I want to see more of the world too. I want to see you happy''. Fuck, how could I be so lucky? 

''I am happy already, but seeing the world with you? That would be heavenly'' I admitted. 

''Then let's fucking do it'' he said. 

''I don't deserve you, Jeff. I love you so much''. 

''I love you more, baby girl''. 

I was the luckiest woman on earth.

On Cloud Nine ✧Jeffrey Dean MorganWhere stories live. Discover now