Chapter 1

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It was Saturday night, you had just gotten out the shower and was getting ready to go to bed when you got a text from your dad to go downstairs.

Y/N: he needs to have an important talk with me? All of a sudden..

You headed out your room and went downstairs to the living room

Y/N: Yes dad?

Dad: Hey baby, I need to talk to you.

Y/N: Okay..go ahead.

Dad: Well I just got a call from work, I will need to leave tomorrow in the evening.

Y/N: It's okay, I can just wait for you to get home.

Dad: It's not here though. I'm leaving to the states tomorrow, for work. It's going to take about a year for the job to be done. My friend and I will have this huge project assigned, It's important.

Y/N: Wait what? For a year?

Dad: Yes, I have to. But, it will go by fast. I just don't want to leave you here by yourself.

Y/N: I'll be fine dad. Come on I already graduated last year.. I'm old enough to take care of myself.

Dad: Hey! to me you're still a baby.

Y/N: Appa!! Ugh..That's because i'm your only daughter.

Dad: You're not even sad about me leaving to the states?

Y/N: Yes..I am.

Dad: I can tell you're happy about me leaving because you think you're free to do whatever you want huh?

Y/N: Are you not going to let me stay home alone?...

Dad: Nope, so don't even think about planning sleepovers, days out or going out and staying late.

Y/N: Dad!

Dad: We'll talk about it tomorrow, don't think about it anymore. Go to sleep and get some rest, i'll start packing.

Y/N: Okay fine, I won't argue or get mad if you don't let me stay home alone. I understand, so don't stress either dad or else you'll get wrinkles and become ugly.

Dad: Thanks hun, and I will so go get some sleep as well.

You kissed your dad's cheek and said goodnight, then went back upstairs to your room.

Y/N: If i don't stay home while dad is out in the states then where am i going to stay?

You thought about that for a while and then fell asleep.


|The next morning|

It was 8:30 a.m, you got up from bed and went to the bathroom. You washed your face and brushed your teeth. After, you headed downstairs to the kitchen and made some breakfast not knowing you were gonna lose your appetite by the time it was ready.

Y/N: Wow, I really made breakfast but i'm not that hungry now..I'll just have cereal.

You poured yourself some cereal and milk in a bowl then sat down.

Dad: Good Morning hun, eating breakfast?

Y/N: Good Morning dad, and not really. Eat the breakfast I made, i'm just having cereal, doesn't really feel like I'm having breakfast.

Dad: This looks yummy though, are you feeling sick?

Y/N: No, i'm okay. I'm just worried about where i'll be staying while you're gone.

Falling for Eachother |J.HS | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now