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I opened my eyes and watched the view of my white ceiling expand. I soon realised I was alone, nothing new. I rolled over to see a note on my bedside table. 'I'll be home in a bit just gotta take care of some stuff. Ty', nothing new. I stood up and sloppily made my way to the bathroom. I looked up into the dirty mirror and the smell of cigars flew in from the window. New Bruises were visible on my collar bone covering the now near faded ones, nothing new.
I opened the cabinet and took my pills. I sat on the bed again staring in the mirror. I had work today, I wanted to go. It was my only escape from this hell hole. This dump I once thought was a good idea. Why oh why did I think this would ever be a good idea. Why oh why did I get myself in such a mess so young. Oh right. Because I thought it was love and I wanted to run with it. I never knew it would end. I never knew it would become something I so desperately wanted to run away from. I never knew it would become draining. I never knew there was no way out.
As I stared into the mirror I realised there was something different about today. There was a spark of anger inside me. A flame that was growing and growing as I went deeper and deeper into my thoughts. An idea was created. An idea that could get me out of this mess. But at the same time this idea was a risk. A risk I was willing to take.
I opened the wardrobe draws grabbing any item of clothing I could find that was mine, there wasn't many. This was all ty's stuff. He only cared for himself and I was barley allowed out of the house according to him anyway. Unless I was earning money for him. I was like his slave. Not anymore.

After throwing on a pair of black leggings, a grey hoodie and my Nike's I ran over to his bedside table and flung the door open to reveal his safe. The code was easy to crack, he's no Einstein after all especially compared to me. I grabbed every stack of cash there was in there and stuffed it into my bag. It began to way me down as I made my way to the door so I decided a bank would be a wise place to visit before the train station. When I got to the bank there was luckily no queue. As I put all the money on the desk the women did give me a strange look but no questions were asked. All the money was now on my card so I wouldn't seem so dodgy. I never realised how much was actually there until it was in front of my eyes. I didn't feel guilty for stealing it, part of it was mine from working and the rest was Ty's from drugs. Dealing's a crime anyway so I couldn't care less.

I took a buss to the nearest train station and looked at the trains. Manchester~ full, Birmingham~ full, Leeds~ full. Oh come on. I scanned the boards and the furtherest I could get to was somewhere around southwest London. Kingston! Perfect. A nice area with posh hotels I can now afford. I sat on the train and luckily no one came and sat next to me. While I finally relaxed in my seat I still felt a gut feeling of nervousness in my stomach. Tyrone would be fuming as soon as he realised I was gone. He'd do anything to get me back. Not for love just to keep me quite . If anyone knew how he treated me, how he abused me, how he uses my pay checks for his Own Benefit then he's be arrested without a doubt. That or I'd be shot dead by one of his men before the police could find him.

I took out my phone and booked a pretty hotel . I'd probably look weird showing up in leggings and a hoodie but I didn't care. This was my life now and I'll never love again. I don't need anyone.

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