And I Woke Up Just in Time

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"So," he said looking up from her resume and folio of work, "Have you heard of our show before?" Joe asked as the rest of the guys all looked towards Maren, awaiting her answer.

Maren smiled. She had rehearsed the answer to this question several times. While she had seen the television show, she wasn't a fan of it. Of course, she wouldn't tell them that.

"Of course! Are there people who haven't?" She chuckled looking around the room at the guys. She noticed little things about each of the then during her interview.

Murr kept looking at her cleavage, which wasn't even showing. Maren shrugged this off, it came with the territory. Next was Sal, who was very dialed into his cell phone, but was getting smacked under the table by Joe. Joe seemed to be the ringleader of all of the guys. The most grown up and in charge.

It was her second interview for the position of Tour Manager for The Tenderloins Comedy Troupe, who also had a very popular television show on TruTv called "Impractical Jokers." It was however her first time meeting the guys. Well, 3 of them. One of them was late.

"So you're aware of the type of comedy we do. Our live events are mostly clips of stuff that doesn't make air, and stories from behind the scenes. Things like that. I hate to say it but you're  basically going to be basically babysitting 4 grown men, managing logistics, our schedules, things like that," Joe said placing her resume down and glancing toward the other guys.

Maren smiled and went to speak when the door to the conference room opened.

"Sorry .. sorry guys, I'm sorry I'm late," flustered he quickly entered the room looking at the guys. His attention then turned to Maren as he reached out his hand. "You must be Maren, I'm Brian, Sorry I'm late," he said with a wink of his eye. Brian wasn't too keen on the idea of having a female tour manager.

Maren wasn't too keen on the fact that this man was late to an interview, however she reached out and shook his hand. "Glad you could join us, nice to meet you!"

Several of the men snickered. Sal immediately put down his phone and looked over at Brian, with wide eyes and a grin. All the guys were now looking at Brian.  Sal started to slow clap and Joe was now standing pretending to bow in Maren's direction. Maren just smiled and let out a small laugh. Brian narrowed his eyes on Maren and took a seat.

Murr spoke up first, "Well, with that I think you'll fit right in!"

"Maren.. Maren," Millie said waving her hand in front of Maren's face.  Maren quickly snapped out of her daydream, and took a sip of the tea Millie poured her.

"Sorry Millie.. just a lot on my mind," she looked away embarrassed.  "It's so peaceful here. I forgot how quiet everything is," Maren stated looking around. She was trying hard to enjoy the morning , still in her pajamas, listening to the sounds of birds chirping and nothing else.

Millie wasn't buying it though. She smiled at her as she took a seat on the patio across from her. "It's okay dear. I understand," she gently patted the top of Maren's hand. "Have you spoken to anyone this morning?"

Maren shook her head no, "I haven't even turned on my phone. I'm scared to. Those pictures Millie. I was so dumb."

Millie shook her head, "Honey you are far from dumb. You're beautiful and trusting and have a humungous heart. Someone took advantage of that. That doesn't make you dumb.  You opened your heart again to someone else right? That's bravery dear." Millie smiled at her gently. She watched as tears streamed down Maren's face.  "People make mistakes honey. They say things they don't mean, they do things they don't mean. But you're a survivor. You always have been and that's not going to change at this point in your life."

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