Made Your Mark on Me, A Golden Tattoo

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"Briaaan!!" Hailee whined from the bathroom.

"Oh for Christ Sakes." He mumbled under his breath. If there was one thing he hated most in this world it was a whiner. "What's wrong?" He asked coming closer to the bathroom door. Stepping back when it swung open and a very furious Hailee emerged.

"Look at this!" She shouted pointing at the side of her dress. "It has a giant fucking bleach stain on it!" She shrieked.

"It's not that bad." Brian lied. Honestly it was pretty noticeable but he would say anything to get her to shut up.

"Not that bad?!" She cried out, "Are you insane, look! Brand new dress and it's ruined. That fucking assistant you have is so stupid, I don't know why you haven't fired her yet!"

Brian rubbed his head, feeling a headache coming on, "How many times do I have to tell you, she's my tour manager, not my assistant." Brian sighed. He had sent Hailee to Maren's room this morning just as a joke. He knew she would do it even though dry cleaning was certainly not in her job description.

"Well if she can't even get a simple dry cleaning request right, I can't believe you actually trust her with your tour!" Hailee snapped now trying to tear through her luggage for something else to wear.

"Hailee she didn't personally wash the damn thing! All she did was drop it off." Brian defended, "If it will make you feel better, I'll call the dry cleaners back and make them pay for the dress."

"Even though the dress was $500 that's not the point, now I have nothing to wear to your show tonight and I just wanted to look hot for you." She pouted like a five year old.

"You paid $500 for a dress?" Brian asked even more annoyed now. Hailee's family was big in finance and she was constantly getting money from her dad to buy senseless shit. He always found it funny though, all the money in the world and her daddy still couldn't buy her an acting career. You could buy a lot of things in this world, but talent wasn't one of them.

"I'm sure you have 9 other dresses in that suitcase." Brian responded then was interrupted by a text.

Maren: Gotta get going soon guys, be in the lobby in 30 minutes.

It was a text to him and the other three Jokers. He along with the others quickly responded. "I'm gonna have to go shopping and find something else." Hailee said after being unsuccessful looking through her bags.

"We have to be in car in a half hour, you don't have time to go shopping." Brian snapped.

"Then I'll just have to take a car over to the arena myself. I have to look my best for my man." She smiled kissing him on the lips.

Brian rolled his eyes at the comment, he most certainly did not belong to her and never gave her to idea that he did. Piece of good looking ass that was willing to do anything he wanted in bed, that was it. "Can't wait to have this later." She whispered as she grabbed his cock over his jeans. "I'll see you soon baby." She said kissing him once more and making her way out the door.

Once he knew she was gone he collapsed on the bed rubbing his hands through his hair. "Sex ain't that fucking good." He said out loud to the empty room.
"Woah." Murray exclaimed, eyes bulging from his head when security escorted Hailee backstage. She was wearing a short skin tight white dress that dipped so low in the front, gravity just wasn't making sense as to how her boobs weren't out.

"Hope everyone didn't miss me too much." She smiled walking into the room.

Sal and Joe exchanged glances, the girl was annoying, desperate, and so many other ridiculous adjectives. She turned when she heard the door open and Brian walk in, "There's my baby!" She squeaked. "I missed you." She said sweetly.

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