And If I Get Burned...

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Maren watched from one of the tables set up as the Jokers and some Tru executives stood on stage going on final preps for the charity event they were involved in. She felt her phone vibrate for what must have been the 20th time today; she didn't even have to look, she knew who it was. Funny how life works, not long ago she was begging for Jason to call, now she couldn't get rid of the guy. He was still leaving her voicemail after voicemail demanding to know if she was involved with her boss and where she got off embarrassing him in public like she had.

Kelsey waved but was too busy to come over since she was running around like a crazy person with other network people. TruTv was not a huge network and even though they housed a very popular show, they weren't as huge as they wanted to be.  A successful charity event could really put their name out there.

Maren hit the ignore button yet again with another incoming call. This was getting to be borderline harassment.

The Jokers seemed to be done for the moment so they hopped off the stage making a quick plate of food and joining Maren at the table she was vacating. "Everything looks good guys." She smiled. She still felt a little awkward about the massive fight in Connecticut even though after that night it was never mentioned again.

"Sup Guys!" One of the executive producers from Tru, Simmy, greeted them.

As he talked to her bosses she felt her phone yet again and figured with everyone distracted she would just answer the stupid asshole.

"You really need to stop calling me." She snapped in a harsh whisper.

"And you really need to start answering my questions." He yelled on the other end.

" No I don't." She responded.

As Simmy went on and on, Q's attention was focused on Maren and a heated phone conversation she seemed to be in at the moment.

"Jason I'm serious, enough!" She said trying to get her point across but still keep her voice down.

"You stopped talking to me cuz you're fucking your boss, just admit it!" Jason yelled.

"No! I stopped talking to you because I finally realized what a controlling stuck up asshole you are. I'm not saying it again, Leave. Me. Alone." She emphasized each word then quickly ended the call.

Maren sat back down and pulled out her tablet to see if she had any new emails to answer. After a few minutes she had become so caught up and responding to the travel agent about the guys' upcoming London trip, that she hadn't noticed all the Jokers were gone expect for one.

Q sat silently a couple chairs down scrolling through his phone. He looked up when her phone buzzed again on the table. Glancing down he saw who was calling and also noticed the annoyed look on Maren's face. "For fuck sakes." She said under her breath just about ready to lose it.

"Give me your phone?" Q finally said.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Come on, hand it over." He said putting his hand out.

"What are you gonna say?" She asked but it was too late he had already answered the call.

"Hey asshole, enough stop calling." Q said into the phone. "Get a fucking clue, she doesn't wanna talk to you anymore."

Maren watched as he was quiet listening to whatever Jason was saying on the other line. She then saw Q's eyes widen in anger, "Let me tell you something, you keep bothering her, I will find you and shove my hand so far down your throat I'll pull your esophagus outta your fucking nose! LOSE THIS NUMBER!" He said through gritted teeth.

He slid the phone back across the tablecloth to Maren. "He calls you again, I wanna know about it."

"You didn't have to do that...but thanks." She said with a small smile.

"Anytime." He replied getting off his chair and giving her a wink before walking off to find the other guys.
Saturday had finally arrived. Maren just got back from her hair and nail appointment. She had picked out just a basic black cocktail dress, her go to for events. Bessy would be going with Joe to the event so she as happy she had someone to hang out with tonight.

She had a couple more hours before she had to start getting ready so she made a bite to eat and settled into some lousy guilty pleasure reality television. About 20 minutes into her show she was surprised by her door buzzer. "Hello?" She called into the speaker that connected to downstairs.

"Good afternoon Ma'am, delivery for Maren Mulligan." A man spoke.

"Oh umm...okay? I'll buzz you up." Maren said hitting the button to open the downstairs door. She was very confused not remembering ordering anything.

A courier dressed very nicely in an all black suit was at her door shortly afterwards holding a zipped up dress bag. "Here you are, Ma'am." He said handing the bag over to her.

She accepted and reached into her purse nearby to give him a tip. "What the hell is this?" She asked herself as she walked into her bedroom.

Maren laid the dress bag out on her bed and unzipped it. "No way." She said out loud picking it up. "He fucking didn't!" She exclaimed.

This dress was the single most gorgeous thing she had ever seen and she actually had it in her hands right now. As she stared it, running her fingers over the soft fabric she thought back to that night. Q, the guy that didn't believe in romance, actually remembered the exact dress she had been looking at in the window.

That boutique was very expensive and she didn't even wanna know how much this cost. After everything that happened between them since that night, and he still did something like this. Maren knew she was so wrong about this man; deep down inside Brian Quinn was the sweetest most romantic man that she could imagine.

Quickly taking off her yoga pants and sweatshirt she stepped into the dress and zipped it up the side. It fit like an absolute glove. The neckline dipped down low and the slit that ran up her left leg was high and very sexy. However the long evening gown look to it still made it classy enough for this black tie event tonight.  She carefully applied her makeup, not wanting to get anything on this gorgeous dress.

Because it was such a formal event she did her makeup a little heavier than she normally would have any other time. Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest just thinking of seeing Brian all dressed up tonight in a tux. She knew he was busy working right now and then most likely running home to get ready but she still sent him a text anyways.

You're absolutely insane! This dress is beautiful, thank you so much. Can't wait to see you later.

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