Even In My Worst Light

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Maren's head was spinning. 'This can't be happening' she thought as she heard her office door slam. 'This can't be happening.'  The blood rushed from her face, as she raised her now sweaty palms to her face. Maren started shaking her head no quickly.

Brian's calm, reassuring voice and firm grip on her two arms brought her back to the moment. "Hey hey.. Maren. Relax," he gently said. She hadn't noticed her breathing picked up, but he did.

"Breathe. Take a deep breathe," he instructed as he cupped her face in his palm, hoping it would calm her down.

Maren took a few deep breathes as she sat down at her desk. "What time is it?!" she asked frantically looking around, her eyes finally stopping at the clock on the wall. It was still early morning. "What are we gonna do? We have to get out ahead of this? Oh my god Brian, your mom.." Maren quickly starting grabbing papers off her desk and scrolling through her computer.

Brian shook his head, "Maren, Maren. Relax. There's nothing we can do," he said reaching across her desk and grabbing her hands. "Kelsey will handle it. We're going to have to see what the network says."

Tears trickled down Maren's face. "God Brian, the charity could drop you guys. This happened at their event!" Maren placed her head in her hands.  The magnitude of this was just beginning to take its course. "Oh my god Brian, can the hotel could press charges?!" Maren nervously asked, looking up at him.

Brians head pounded as he flopped down on the small couch Maren had in her office. This definitely was unchartered territory for him. While Maren was completely nervous and thinking the worst, Brian was seething mad but had to remain calm. Maren could have a panic attack any minute and he had no desire to see the woman he loved in such a state. Speaking slowly, Brian rubbed his temples with his fingers, eyes shut and said," Do you think Jason did this?" Choosing his words carefully, he tried hard to hide the disdain he was afraid would come across in his voice.

Maren was holding her head in her hands, elbows on the desk. Absolutely defeated, she responded, "I have no idea," but until Brian said his name, Jason hadn't even crossed her mind. Jason. Oh my god. Maren thought to herself as she felt her stomach churn. Quickly standing up, she grabbed her purse and came out from behind her desk. "I have to get out of here Brian. I need some air. I'm gonna head home."

Brian jumped to his feet, "I'll go with you," he said as they made their way to the door.

Maren shook her head no and placed her hand on his chest. "Brian, it's ok. I'll be ok. Call your mom. Give her a heads up."

Brian took a deep breath, worried to leave Maren by herself, "Are you sure?" he asked tilting her chin up so he could look in her eyes.  Brian's heart sunk a little when he saw the fear in Maren's eyes.

Maren nodded, "Yes, I'll call you as soon as I get home, ok," she leaned into him as he brought up his arms and enveloped her in his arms.
"We'll get through this Mar, I promise you, ok?" he kissed her forehead and closed his eyes.

"Hi Honey, this is a pleasant surprise!" Carol Quinn heard from her son less and less these days the bigger the show became.  The middle Quinn son was a busy guy and she understood. Still, the midweek afternoon call didn't seem to strike her as odd. That is until she heard the nervousness in his voice.

"Hi Mom..." was all he said, but Momma Quinn knew her son well, and something was wrong.

"Brian honey, what's going on? Are you ok?" she asked slight panic setting in.

Brian closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Never had it ever crossed his mind that he would have to be having this conversation with his mom. Unsure of even how to put it, he sighed and started, "I'm Ok mom, everything's going to be ok. I just need to make you aware of some bad press that is going to be released today."

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