Inescapable, I'm Not Even Gonna Try

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Kelsey and Joe stood in front of each other dumbfounded.

"I mean what the fuck?!" Joe looked over at Kelsey, hoping she had some kind of answer but she was just as dumbfounded as Joe but she just shook her head.

"I have absolutely no idea. I've never seen her like that. Something seemed off with her today and I kept asking, but she just insisted she didn't feel good."

Joe shook his head, "This shit has to end." Kelsey nodded in agreement.

"You talk to him. I'll talk to her. Let's re-connect after and compare notes. Sound good?" Joe nodded in agreement and headed back towards the green room.    On his way, he ran across Brian, wiping food off his arms and head as he walked.

"Listen man, what the hell? We have to talk. This shit has to stop." Joe said blocking Brian's path.

Brian nodded, "Don't worry Joe. It won't happen again. Ever. It's done," Brian explained annoyed as he walked around Joe and away from the scene of the crime


Back in the green room, Maren was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor with towels. The gravity of what had happened was starting to hit her. She tried to keep herself from crying, but a few tears escaped. She jumped a little and was startled when she heard the green room door open. Holding her breath, she was actually relieved to see it was Kelsey.

Without saying a word, Kelsey got down on the ground and helped Kelsey clean. She knew Maren would start talking when she was ready, but she didn't think it would happen so quickly.

"I know Kelsey. Trust me. I'm kicking myself. My anger got the best of me. I know. I'm beating myself up enough." Maren didn't look in Kelsey's direction once.

Kelsey just shrugged, "I didn't say anything."
Maren was thankful she wasn't going to get the third degree from her friend. Her mind was going a mile a minute and she was well aware she messed up.

"But you and him.... have to figure it out. This can't happen again. That's all I'm gonna say." Kelsey stood up and continued trying to clean hummus off the walls,

Maren leaned back on her knees. "Oh believe me, it won't. That's for sure."


Brian exited the elevator on his floor, thankful that no one noticed him or the fact that he was covered in food. He had to be quick but he needed to shower before they went on stage.

"Hey" Cha said in the hallway as she handed Brian back his room key and a pair of fresh clothes she was bringing to him.

"Thanks, but I have to shower, there's food in my hair," Brian said taking his clothes and continuing to walk.

"You gonna be ok?" Cha asked as she followed Brian a little ways down the hall.

Brian sighed loudly and rested his head against the door.  "I don't know what to do Cha."

Cha leaned against the wall. " Brian, you're one of the nicest guys I know. Deep down, Maren knows that too. There's a lot that comes with dating one of you guys. It's not easy to jump into. Give it time. That's my advice. Just give it time." Cha said patting him on the shoulder as she headed down the hallways towards the elevator.

"Cha.. thanks" Brian said. Cha nodded and disappeared into the elevator. Brian disappeared into his room.

Maren took a bath towel and rubbed down the mirror, in her bathroom quickly. She had decided to also run back to her room, shower and change quickly also.  She didn't want the rest of the stage crew seeing her covered in food.  No one other than who was in that room needed to know what happened. Maren arranged to have a cleaning crew scrub down the green room while everyone was on stage.  She covered the cost since she actually was the one that started it all.

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