Everyone Thinks That They Know Us

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"So now what?" Maren asked snuggled up next to Brian bringing her leg over his.

Brian cocked an eyebrow and looked over at this woman in confusion. "Seriously? I just gave you everything I possibly have and the only thing you can say is 'now what'?!" After he came to her apartment and found her drunk off her ass, he led her to the bedroom and fucked her until they both screamed with release. He pulled out all his best tricks; poor guy was still trying to catch his breath.

Maren looked at him mortified, "No!" She laughed, "That's not what I meant." She cranked her neck up to capture his lips, "I am more than satisfied with that, believe me." Brian smiled at the compliment then pulled her back onto his chest. Maren enjoyed the feel of his hand moving up and down her back and took a second to run her own hand over his chest. "What I meant was what do we do now that this is clearly gonna happen more and more?"

"Is it?" He asked in a serious tone catching her off guard.

She immediately sat up and looked at him. Now so many things were running through her head. "Well...I mean...I thought so. But I guess if you don't want to I understand..it's just.."

Brian couldn't torture her anymore and let out a huge laugh, "You're so fucking adorable when you get like this."

"Get like what?" She asked now red with embarrassment.

"All flustered. It's so easy to get you going." He answered then pulled her back in. Kissing the top of her head, he felt her relax again. "You need to stop overthinking things. Of course I want this to happen more and more. I wasn't kidding when I said I have feelings for you."

"Yeah?" She said sitting up again and smiling. "Really?!"

"Oh god you're not gonna get all cute and write my name all over your notebook are you?" He teased.

"Shut up." She laughed pinching his side as she laid back down. Brian was up for being a little playful and rolled her on her back covering her body with his and tickling her until she was screaming with laughter.

Once she begged for mercy he rolled off and laid back down stretching his arms up. Maren took a minute to study him, she couldn't remember a time she ever saw him look so content or relaxed. "So what did you mean?"

"Huh?" She asked realizing she had spaced out for a minute.

"You said now what? So what did you mean?" He repeated.

"I obviously don't wanna make you uncomfortable or push for anything so I guess I was just curious where we go from here?" She asked nervously. Talking about this kind of thing was never easy but talking about it with Brian Quinn was even worse.

"You act like I've never been in a relationship before, it's been awhile but I do know how they work Maren." He laughed. Looking over he still saw the uneasiness on her face so figured he should handle this a different way. "Look I know what I've said in the past and I get how that can make you hesitant to trust me but I meant what I said to you, I'm all in." He cupped her cheek softly and felt her relax instantly to his touch, "Let's take this slow and keep it to ourselves for a bit but as far as I'm concerned...I'm considering you my girlfriend and hope you won't be seeing anyone else because I sure as hell won't be."

Maren literally felt like this wasn't real. The man that she battled with constantly for two straight years and always told her love was ridiculous was actually calling her his girlfriend. "Now I wanna know what's up with your ex. What's he sniffing around for?" Brian asked breaking her from her thoughts.

Maren was quiet and tried her best to avoid eye contact. A great moment was suddenly ruined thanks to Jason. "Hey." Brian said pulling her chin to look at him, "I can't help if I don't know what's going on." He said softly.

"I don't know exactly, all I know is he was talking to a reporter who in turn started questioning me. Reporter said he had sources who I can only assume is Jason." She said.

"He wouldn't have anything interesting to say. I'm sure it's just meant to scare you, get you to slip up and confirm something about me." Brian said trying to reassure her.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Maren sighed. Truth was she had a good idea what Jason shared with the reporter and unfortunately it was something that would humiliate her. For now she would have to deal with it on her own and pray Brian never found out.

"Is that outta the way now?" He asked. "Because right now I wanna know more about what you want?"

"What I want?" She asked.

"Yeah."! He smiled as he moved closer to her neck, "Because I'm sick of talking about other people, and I'm ready for round two if you are."  He said then began sucking on her neck feeling her start to wiggle in excitement.

Maren had a better idea, so far she had had sex with this man twice and both times he completely focused on her. Not that she was complaining but she also didn't wanna be greedy either. She sat up and pushed him away causing him to fall against the soft mattress. At first he gave her a confused look thinking that she wasn't interested but then started to get the hint when he noticed her slither down his body. "See here's the thing Quinn, you've been so worried about my needs that we have neglected yours." She said softly, a smile playing across her pink lips.

"Trust me, my needs have been plenty satisfied." He said. Truth was Brian Quinn had always been a pleaser when it came to his partners. He fully enjoyed the art of oral sex on a woman and having them cum and scream uncontrollably was his biggest turn on. On the flip side he never objected to a good dick sucking either.

"Just relax this time around." She whispered before taking him in her mouth.

"Fucking shit." He mumbled to himself the second he felt himself enter her mouth.

Maren encouraged him to pull her hair and got turned on when he pushed her head down further. The deeper he got in her throat the harder he became. At this point he was rock hard and pumping back and forth as fast as he could.

Maren took a second to remove her mouth from him and slowly licked down curving her tongue around his balls and coming back up the other side. "Jesus Maren." He cried out, "What the fuck."

"How's that feel baby?" She asked.

"Feels fucking incredible." His eyes were shut now as he just let her do whatever it was she wanted. He could already tell sex with this woman was gonna be addictive and all he could do was buckle up and enjoy the ride.
"Hey, it's me." Tom said when his editor picked up the phone. "You're never gonna believe what I got my hands on." He smiled as he tossed the disc in the air a couple times, he could taste a front page story with this one.

"Video camera footage of Brian Quinn screwing his manager in an elevator." He laughed at his editor's reaction on the other end. "With the stuff we have already and now this, it's gonna be the biggest story this year."

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