Plan Avoid Fails

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October 11th, 2006


Sophomore Year.


Two more years to go.

Then I’m off to NYC in search of a job.

Time flies.

Or at least it’s supposed to.

But it’s kind of hard when your ex, the one I’m still madly in love with, had just about all his freshman classes with me. Only difference was that he minored in dance, while mine was music. But obviously, things don’t change this year. Once again, he has almost all he classes with you. The only time I escape him is while he is in dance. Oh, and let me not forget—when I’m in my dorm. The boys dorms are way across the campus. Unfortunately I do run into him at the book store, library, and café. Needless to say, during breaks, also.

Today is the last day before fall break, something we get because we start school in early August. We’re, meaning Jacob and I plus the eighteen other students in this broadcast class, are listening to Mr. Brannigan explain our upcoming project. The purpose is to “keep our mind actives in journalism while we’re on break,” which I see no point of. It’s call fall break for a reason.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Mr. Brannigan. He’s sweet and at times a push over. My class takes advantage him and I feel bad for him. He’s a really good teacher. People take him for granted and he’s really trying. I, on the other hand, don’t give him a hard time. Along with Jacob and Savannah, one of my neighbors and my new found friend.

Savannah is tall and curly. She’s light skinned and has short, dark brown hair. She dresses casually, but she always adds her own little touch to it. Overall, she’s unique, which is probably why I get along with her out of everyone here besides Chres.

Chres doesn’t really count because I have no classes with him. I only see him around, but we always make time to sit down and catch. He majors in veterinary and minors in dance.

To be quite honest, college is just like high school, except you’re way more independent. You’re not forced to go to class, homework isn’t a must, and you can leave when you choose. The only things that you need to keep in mind are midterms and studying. Don’t take anything for granted and don’t wait till the last minute to do any papers, because I promise, you will regret it.

Papers are also important to. They aren’t your typical, two page, 12 font Times New Roman, and double spaced essays. These bitches are like twenty pages long, 11 font, Times New Roman, SINGLE SPACED.

And don’t get me on the studying portion of class. They really don’t tell you what to study unless you ask them one on one. Other than that, they give you this big ass big and tell you to take it home and read. & I’d advice that you do. These teachers are on point with their surprise test and pop quizzes. That stuff really messes up your grades.

So I’m warning you now.

Do your work.

Like I said, homework isn’t a must, but the readings are.

If you want to pass, you better make smart decisions.

Studying over frat parties.

It’ll make all the difference in the world.

            “Continuing on, this project is simple and if you work efficiently, it’ll only take a few hours. That gives you the rest of your day and the rest of your two week break to do as you please,” Mr. Brannigan said, handing out papers, “I will assign partners. It’ll be good for everyone to get to work with someone they haven’t worked with yet. The all of you had Ms. Berdell for features and she gave me list of previous projects and partners.”

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