Okay... Maybe Not

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Packing—some serious and extreme shit. I mean, it can really wear you out! It's not a joke. You sit in front of your closet and dresser for hour just to make sure you have everything you need. THEN you've gotta fold it all up and stuff it into a suitcase that, nine times out of ten, won't close.

It's easy packing for an out of town vacation, but when you're moving, damn near all hell is raised. Bringing unnecessary stuff just takes up room and the last thing I'm tryna do it's sit on my suitcases to close.

The hardest part for me is debating what I WANT to being and what I NEED to being. We all want to bring material things and shit we really don't need, and we lose sight of what we actually need to take with us.

For those who are wondering, I've actually just finished packing for NYC. The night I broke up with Jacob was the night Daniel and I made arrangements to fly to NY to meet up with Vincent Herbert. I'm honestly not sure how this is going to work since we're both solo. We just worked on that song together. I assume we'll both get deals and the song from showcase will just be a single we did together. Make sense?

Today it's June 15th and I leave for NY tomorrow morning. Jamiya is back home for summer break and since I'm done packing we agreed to meet Fatou at Oberweis, the best ice cream shop in Chicago.

No one knows I'm leaving town except my family and of course, Fatou. They're proud all and their glad that I’m doing something with my gift, but they think I'm doing it for the wrong reasons. Psh, whatever.

"Breezy!" I called down the hall. "I'm ready."

"Alright, you're driving." she said warning me.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, grabbing my car keys off of my dresser. I met her downstairs in the living room and we made our way to my car.

I sent Fatou a text to let her know I was on my way and she replied letting me know she was already there. Luckily it's not too far because Fatou is impatient. She'll up and leave without a word if you keep her waiting too long. Trust me, it's happened before. Not to me of course.

You see, Fatou was supposed to go on a date with this guy named Jacob, Jacob Latimore, that is. And they were supposed to meet at Wish Bone by 7. In her eyes, he never showed, only because she left before he got there. Traffic is a bitch and that's why he was late. And by late, I mean running behind by 15 minutes. The poor kid tried to explain, but Fatou was too stubborn to listen. I felt really bad for him. I'm gonna get her to call him later.

"Ew, turn this shit off!" Breezy said complaining as Call Me Maybe came on 96.3. She reached up to change the station but I popped her hand.

"Girl, you must have lost it. My car, my rules." I said before singing along.

"Oh, you think cause you're about to be a senior and all famous & shit that you're bad!?" Jamiya asked challenging me.

I ignored her and continued driving.

I bet you guys are wondering what's be going on with Jacob in the past three days. Well, I'll break it down for you.

June 12 (the night we broke up): He sent a gazillion text messages and called me a million times. I gave him no reply, though.

June 13: He continued calling and texting. He even tried calling off a private number like I didn't know it was him.

June 14: he came by my house I was at Fatou's. He even insisted on waiting till I came back. Fortunately, I was spending the night and he was smart enough to not go I've there. With Fatou in the picture, he would have got his ass handed to him. Literally.

Today: he hasn't called not texted me. It's kind of a relief, but it makes me think, damn, he gave up that easily? Did he even care at all!?

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