Chapter 31

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Now that Darcey was well again, he was back to his job hunt in earnest, although it had been about as successful so far as it was the first time around. He wasn't being selective this time: now that he'd exhausted his savings, he couldn't afford to be picky, even if that meant working in fast food or retail. But even they hadn't called him back.

He was taking a break from searching online ads by checking his email. He'd been trying to get in touch with Teeth, but with no luck, although he actually wasn't expecting to hear anything back anymore. They'd barely known each other, and he hadn't heard from her since they parted ways at the airport in Louisiana. Sometimes he wondered what she'd gotten up to. Maybe he would never know. He emailed Doc sometimes, and when his inbox loaded, he saw that Doc had emailed him back.

Hey, Walker!

I guess I'm doing as well as can be expected, considering the circumstances. We were attacked two days ago, but it was small and poorly organized so nobody was hurt and there was minimal damage to our equipment.

Don't take this the wrong way, because I miss you like hell, but maybe it's better that you're not here. Not for us; we're really hurting right now, and you could have been a huge help. But for you. I'm starting to get some really fucked up nightmares and I don't really know how to handle it, so I haven't been getting much sleep.

I'm trying to learn Arabic but I'm not doing so well. I mostly sound like I'm trying to cough up a hairball.

In better news, maybe? There's a woman named Madeline with one of the groups we're stationed with, and holy shit, she is gorgeous. I know that doesn't mean much to you, but just imagine the hottest, toughest guy you can and that's kind of how she makes me feel. A little dizzy and weak in the knees. Everyone calls her Cupcake. I guess she likes to bake? But damn, despite the cutesy nickname, she's badass, if a little hotheaded. This isn't the right time or place to try to say anything though. Maybe when we get home.

I miss you like hell, Walker. I hope things continue to go well for you and your boyfriend, and I hope you get a little luckier on the job hunt soon. You've always got me as a reference. Feel free to give them my email since they can't really call me, just make sure they know I might take a few days to get back to them.

And since you asked, Campbell's okay. He was noncommittal but not offensive when I mentioned that you're in a relationship. He asks about you sometimes. I think he's afraid of contacting you after what happened. He thinks you hate him. He seems a little lost without you here. We worked together for years, after all. I like to think we were like brothers.


Darcey missed him. He even missed Campbell, sometimes. Doc was right, he and Campbell had been like brothers, because despite the fact that they rarely saw eye to eye on anything, they were always there, just one step away from each other, ready to defend the other if necessary. Most of it, he didn't miss – the fear of making sure he constantly made the right steps and comments so he didn't accidentally out himself, the orders that made no sense half the time, the combat. But he did miss the camaraderie. He missed the knowledge that no matter how bad things got, someone always had his back.

But Jordan did, now, and Brett and the rest of his family always had. It wasn't the same, but it was good. He was good.

He glanced at the time on his laptop. 930. The mail would be here. He stood, closing his laptop and slipping on a hoodie, then went downstairs to check the mail.

He sorted through it as he walked back into the house. Some bills, some ads, some coupons. He sorted it into three piles: save for later, shred, and trash.

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