Chapter 26

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When Darcey woke up on Saturday it was already early afternoon. He groaned at the bright light streaming through the window blinds and covered his face with a pillow. Every time he swallowed it felt like glass shards stabbed him in the throat and every muscle and bone ached. He was running a low fever. Had he gotten strep, too? It was common with mono. He sighed heavily. He didn't want to have to go back to that clinic. He didn't feel well enough to sit in those uncomfortable chairs all day.

He grabbed his phone to check the time. There was a text from Brett from late last night.

Your paperwork for ValueOptions came in. You've been approved. I know you're really sick so I'll bring it over for you tomorrow, but as soon as you're well enough, I expect you to keep your promise.

Darcey swallowed and squeezed his eyes closed. The idea of therapy was terrifying. But he had promised, and if nothing else, he could at least say he always kept his word. He sent Brett a quick text back.

I just woke up. Thanks. I'll start looking around at offices once you bring the paperwork over.

He sent it and sighed heavily, sinking back into his bed. He didn't want to move, but he was so dehydrated just from the night's sleep. A knock came at his door.

"Yeah?" he croaked.

But when the door opened, it wasn't one of his sisters standing there as he'd expected. It was Brett. He was still so thin, and his posture so exhausted, his body all sharp bones and bruised eyes. But at least he hadn't lost any more weight. It wasn't progress, but at least he wasn't continuing to slip.

Brett dropped an open envelope on Darcey's nightstand. "Here you go," he said.

"Thanks, Brett," Darcey murmured. "How long have you been here?"

"About an hour. I was just playing video games with Lexi and Ally downstairs while I waited for you to wake up. I wanted to see you. How are you doing?"

"Terrible." Even speaking was painful and his tongue kept sticking in his mouth. "But I don't think I'm getting any worse."

"At least there's that," Brett smiled. Darcey pushed himself up into a sit. The blanket bunched down around his hips and he leaned back against the wall.

"So, since we're kind of on the subject, have you been able to set an appointment with your therapist?"

Brett's eyes flashed with fear, but he was smiling, although weakly. "Yeah. This coming Thursday." He chuckled nervously. "I'm terrified, Darcey. Like, I know it's ridiculous but I'm afraid she'll be disappointed in me for slipping. Or something. I don't know."

"If she's as good as your dad said she is, she'll just be relieved you went back before it got even worse," Darcey said.

Brett's eyes shot open wide and his neck and shoulders tensed. "You talked to –"

"No, no," Darcey interrupted. "I just meant when he finally told us the first time."

Brett's muscles relaxed and he nodded. "Oh. Okay." He shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other for a moment, then Darcey said, "Come down into the kitchen with me? I need to get something to drink."

Brett smiled. "Sure."

Lexi and Jess were sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper comics when they went down, but with a quick glance at his mother, Darcey was able to hint that they needed some privacy. Jess shuffled Lexi back into the living room to play a game of cards with her and Ally and said, "You're both welcome to join us whenever you want."

"Thanks, Mom."


Darcey drained half his cup of water in just a few gulps, then refilled it and sat down across the small table from Brett. The cold eased the burn in his throat and helped remove some of the stickiness from his mouth.

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