Unspeakable Sins

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(Sorry it's been such a late update you guys. :( I've had to deal with some life changing issues that I really will not speak on because they are rather touchy subjects but I will start updating more. Please be patient with me)


Anabeth's wrist snapped and the knife she held fell. Their boss gripped her wrist tighter and she screeched. Adriana punched her in the face, giving her a bloody nose. Their boss dropped Anabeth to the ground and dragged Adriana to his car to take her back home. They left Jacob there for Adriana was still mad at him for his actions. They arrived at her house later and she opened the door. "Are you sure you'll be alright here by yourself?" he questioned. She simply nodded and closed the door behind her, locking it and turning on the security system. Heavy tears streamed down her face as she went to what used to be their room and laid down on the bed, not bothering to cover her self up in the comforter. She curled herself into a ball, crying for hours until she cried herself to sleep very late in the night. "Adriana....baby." Jacob whispered in her ear while he shook her shoulder softly. She woke, slapping his hand away and grabbing the projector set from their bedside stand. "Don't you ever call me that ever again." the words scrolled across the wall. "But..." Jacob mumbled. "Don't but either. You knew what you were doing. You didn't even text me, you didn't even think oh hey, I have a girlfriend who is pregnant with my child who also wanted to go to this. I should wait to go with her instead of going with this girl who  I barely know. She's at home waiting by herself in what I know is a very bad neighborhood and I don't want her or my child to get hurt. I should go home. She probably, despite my constant resistance, slaved over the hot stove to cook for me." the words scrolled. Jacob was hurt but inside, he knew what he was doing and he hated himself for his wrongness. "And to make matters worse, I found out that I have a technical sister who wants to kill me because I supposedly ruined her life. This is all your fault. If you hadn't killed my actual parents then I wouldn't have been in this situation at all and she probably would have had the life that I had." the words rolled. Jacob grew furious. "Excuse me!? I clearly told you that I was brain washed! I did not know what I was doing!! If anyone is to blame, I blame your parents for taking you in because they really didn't have to stand for you and your disgusting attitude!!! For God's sake woman my parents died! I had no where to go at such a young age! How many times do I have to say that I'm sorry!?! I'm sorry for not having the greatest of lives like you, you spoiled little princess!!!" Jacob screamed. "I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS!!" the words scrolled in caps lock. "NEITHER DID I WOMAN! You're such a freaking spoiled bitch." he shouted but then quieted down and covered his mouth. He had said the unforgivable. "Oh I see how it is....." the words rolled, tears falling from her eyes. Adriana quickly stood up and ran out of their bedroom door, running outside into the night and disappeared. 

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