Slumber Party Part 2

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Jacob strolled back to her room wearing her father's pajamas, quite surprised how they fit him, snug and warm. "Hey." he said. Adriana quickly sprung upwards and waved. She smiled warmly and kindly. "Sorry for all those awkward moments.." he apologized, pointing his head downwards. Adriana stood from her bed and grabbed her Nook from the carpeted floor on the right side of her bed. She signed in and began to type on it. She handed it to him as he stood next to her. "So what should we talk about?" he read as Adriana pressed a few buttons on her wall and another bed lowered from the wall. "Whooooa." Jacob admired as he typed a reply. "What ever do you wish to talk about beautiful?" he responded on her Nook. He handed it back to her and watched her crimson blush reappear on her skin. He chuckled as she typed....

The two continued their conversation: 

" What do you wish to talk about?"


"How about your past?"

"Hmm. It's not really something I want to talk about"

"I thought you said anything"

"Well anything but that"

"What about your past?"

"Not something I want to talk about either"

"Okay. Let's make a deal. You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine?"


Jacob released a huge breath before typing extremely fast, fingers tapping with speed on the gentle screen.

" My mother and father passed away when I was 3 and ever  since then, I was living with my brother until I got a job at the cafe. Living with him was most definitely not the best time of my life. He and his girlfriend were quite the buttholes. Marcus was light on me since I was a child but as soon as I turned 9, he abused me and kicked me out at age 14. I lived on my own since then and never had contact with him or his girl since a few weeks ago when his girlfriend found out where I lived and tried to come onto me. I'm a decent and respectable man so of course I pushed her away but she tried to kill me with my own kitchen knives when I did."

Adriana gave a gasping face as she read what he had typed. Immediate shock appeared upon her slender face and a single tear welled up in the corner of her right, dark brown, eye and fell gently upon her cheek. "Don't cry beautiful." Jacob responded to her actions as he wiped the clear tear away with his thumb. She began to type. 

"I didn't have the roughest of times like you and many others have had but I can say that I have had my share of extremities. I was born a child with a deformed voice box thus me being mute. My birth parents found such a child to be disgraceful therefore me being adopted by my parents now. It was hard coping with being a mute but was rather easy since I was born with the condition and did not develop it. At times I was bullied but mostly my beauty was praised. Other times I longed for parental affection. After I turned 13, my parents grew very intimate with their businesses and soon let the nannies take care of me." 

Jacob read her reply and looked back at her, eyes trailing her long, silky, black hair. "Really?" he asked and she nodded in reply. Adriana giggled and then stood from her bed. She leaned over him and let her arms wrapped around him as she typed. "I'm getting tired so I'll head to bed. Goodnight." she told. Jacob chuckled and gave her his signature smile and she blushed once again. His smile is so irresistible, she can't help but blush. Jacob shut down her Nook and leaped onto the other bed around 4 steps away from Adriana's. The two wrapped themselves into the pink comforters and rolled once or twice. Adriana clapped and the light softly shut off. Jacob was already off into his land of dreams before she could even shut her eyes. She smiled and dozed off. 


Adriana tossed and turned in her sleep causing a loud ruckus as the memories of the man trying to rape her came flooding back. She flung her arms and legs back and forth, throwing the comforter off of her fragile body. Jacob woke to the sounds and immediately clapped to turn the lights back on. He shook Adriana gently to wake her and lifted her up into his arms as he rocked her while she woke. She clung to his arms as tears began to trail her flustered cheeks. Jacob placed her back down onto her bed and climbed into the bed with her. He wrapped his arms around her lovingly and kissed her cheek as he hushed in her ear. By that time, Adriana was half asleep once again so by morning time, she wouldn't remember the kiss. "Goodnight love." Jacob whispered. Was it really Adriana falling and obsessing over Jacob or was it the other was around??

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